After Dark - Maine Campsites and Band Camp Carpools
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Good evening everyone my name is Cutter the you may know me as three visits on air on this episode.
You'll never believe me but is a storytelling podcast being produced here at WKNC about lying to me every episode I have a guest on and they tell me two stories one real and one fake and I have to decide which is real between them. Those of you that are new here or for those of you that need a quick refresher, I'm gonna run down the three rules we have here before we get into today's episode. Rule number one, your story should not do significant damage to anyone else or the character, we're not trying to be outwardly mean to anyone other than ourselves. Rule number two, if someone else is featured in the story, you must either have their permission to say their name or use a fake name for them. You agreed to come on the show and tell these stories but unless they agreed to have these stories told just use a fake name. And rule number three and this is the easiest one of all stories should start with You'll never believe me but and then a brief synopsis for starting the story just so we all know what we're getting into and is a nice little nod to the show's title. So with all that housekeeping stuff out of the way, let's go ahead and get into today's episode. Today's guest is Owen, a really good friend of mine, fellow DJ at the radio station and our interview content creator. Owen, how you doing?
Owen 1:37
Great. I'm glad you mentioned we're coworkers. I think that's the most important part of our relationship.
Cutter 1:41
We are co workers above all else no diddly. No, you joined on a semester after I did, I think and you're now our interview content creator which if you guys haven't checked out any of his interviews, go check them out. They're amazing. He does really good work yeah,
Owen 1:58
Click off on this podcast and go listen to mine.
Cutter 2:01
No, don't- No, don't click off of this podcast when it's over then go check out all the interviews. Either way, no Owen, we've gotten really close. Our jobs are pretty closely linked. We spent a lot of time together in the station and outside of it again all his co workers as you felt the need to point out is drastically drastically platonic Wow, what a, I would listen to that album.
Owen 2:25
Yeah, yeah
Cutter 2:27
Yeah, that's whatever. Ah, no,
Owen 2:30
it's about two people that think they're in love because they're teenagers and then they know that they're asexual and aromantic and incompatible but still want to be life partners.
Cutter 2:42
Wow, that's I mean, what a story. Is that a Radiohead album do you think?
Owen 2:46
I don't do radio? radio? radiohead?
Cutter 2:50
I don't either, but I think I think that would be a radio I can make. Well, I mean, you can make anything doing chante. You are a big purveyor of sea shanties as well. But no I'm excited to have you on the show we've been talking about getting you on for a while you joined late enough to I didn't really know you super well while Season One was going on. And the more I've gotten to know you again strictly as coworkers outside of the radio station all the time we spent together um, you are you are a fascinating person and you tell some fascinating stories that really I feel fit the theme of the after dark kind of mini series that we're doing
Owen 3:27
One of the most exciting things about this is that when I first heard You'll never believe me but, I was I was excited. I like to tell stories. And then my little list of stories that I would tell when I talked to some of my friends about it. I had like an hour long conversation with DJ carbon copy about life and then
Cutter 3:48
Sure sure, that's sorry for those of you listening that's Caitlin she actually came on my show in season one uh, was that before or after
Owen 3:55
That was after we have come on. Sure. And so because of that I had my stories that I was like oh this week one and then I realized, I didn't realize but but during the recording season one sees another story. That is one of the ones I will be telling you today. I've been holding on to this since August. I Wow.
Cutter 4:20
Wow, I am so excited because I I've had to do that too. I've been doing that since I had the idea for this show. I've done that with I didn't do that with either of these stories intentionally until I came up with this idea for after dark and then opportunities would come up for me to tell the two stories that I've already told. And I decided like maybe I'll hold on to them just for a little longer but either way I'm very excited especially if one of them is is so particularly recent. I'm I'm very very curious in what you said August? that's what, months ago Wow. That, haha. August. Okay, well, I mean, unless you have any other questions for me, or you know, concerns or anything, please let me know now otherwise, I'm just ready to get into it.
Owen 5:12
Uh, no I'm ready. Yeah
Cutter 5:14
All right. Owen, take it away.
Owen 5:18
You'll never believe me, but I got head in the woods of Maine from a man that I never saw again and did not know his name. while drunk.
Cutter 5:28
Ahaha. That makes it sound like this makes it sound like the weird part of a horror movie. You know?
Owen 5:35
Oh, yeah, no, yeah, no, actually, no, this is opening scene. This is opening pan over. And then in the background. There's the killer.
Cutter 5:43
Ah, gotcha. Gotcha. And the killer definitely kills the guy who gave you head first.
Owen 5:48
I mean, yeah, his neck is exposed.
Cutter 5:49
Oh, sure.
Oh, wow. Yeah, please get it get into it.
Owen 5:55
Okay, so Blackburn and I were- it's not Blackburn just for for us very clear. Heads up. So we're going around we're in the woods in Maine, we're hiking. We're camping. We're doing all our boy scout things.
Cutter 6:08
Sure. This is this is a Boy Scout era story?
Owen 6:10
No, no, we're just I know we're just. Former Boy Scouts, we just characterize that we like being woodsy people.
Cutter 6:17
Oh, okay, sure. Sure. I don't like the term granola, but I feel like being a Boy Scout makes it more excusable.
Owen 6:22
Okay, sure. Yeah. So we're doing that we, we leave our campsite. And I can't remember the name of the lake that it was at, but it was a very rural place. We leave the campsite, we drive to Acadia National Park, sure, to Bar Harbor, Maine, and we're there and we're going to like hiking around doing whatever. And so our plan was we were just going to go, maybe spend some time in the park, do whatever. And then we would go back to the campsite that we had gone to last year that we had found that we had great success at because it was just a really cool spot on our pond. Sure. And so we're doing that we're all fine. We go to the grocery store, we get everything we need. We, we go to the campsite. Probably like 45 minutes into Bar Harbor. We get everything set up. Wait, no, that's not true. I got ahead of myself. No, sorry. Yeah, not in like the I just messed up telling the story that's not a disqualification. Whatever. Yeah, so um, so we get to the campsite. We're walking down. We've been here before we were familiar with it. Sure. And last time we met these group of people from New York that were just kind of road tripping around, they're just kind of living out of a van chillin and camping. So we're like, oh, magical things happen to Donnell ponds. And this was like, such a "My life is a movie" moment.
Cutter 7:37
Uh huh.
Owen 7:38
Because so we walked down. And we hear like yelling, we hear yelling on the beach, because it's on a lake. And we're like, what could this be? And we're like, oh, maybe they're like, some kids our age partying or something, like sweet
Cutter 7:53
Owen 7:54
And then we're like, one of their kids from a summer camp.
Cutter 7:57
And we're like, also true. Yeah.
Owen 7:59
So we had these fears going in, we walked down. We look and we see about 20 to 30 people circled up listening to Reggaeton on the beach going ham. And we're like, oh my god,
Cutter 8:12
Magical things do happen.
Owen 8:14
I have to know what's happened? Oh, absolutely. Yeah. So we set our stuff down. And we're like, oh, we'll go say hi. Well, then we'll go set up camp. Yeah, we'll hang out with them. Whatever. We'll see how it's going. And sure. And then so we walk up. And this. This wonderful gentleman Fetty walks up and he's like, Hey, we're like, Hey, we're like, what's up? He's like, oh, we're just we're camp counselors. It's our night off. We're just having some fun. Oh, yeah. And we're like, oh, that's really cool. We worked at a summer camp sometimes. Sure. Sure. He's like, are you gentlemen were like, yes. He's like, you come to party? We said yes. He's like, excellent. I will introduce you to my boss. Okay,
Cutter 8:53
I was also partying and also partying. Yeah,
Owen 8:56
Sure. Um, I don't I don't remember his name at this moment. We walked down. He's like, Oh, this is my boss. And we're like, Okay, he's like, 27 He's the aquatics director at this camp.
Cutter 9:06
Sure sure.
Owen 9:07
And he's like, Oh, hello, are you gentlemen? We're like, Yes. Did you come to party? Yes. And so we're like, sick.
Cutter 9:14
This is a weird, I'm just gonna butt in to quickly say that is a weird series of questions that they both that clearly they all have memorized. Yeah. Like that's a little cold. Like, please continue. I just like, makes me a little a little, hmmm.
Owen 9:31
I don't know. I if I had thought of that, I would be doing it. Oh, you're doing it too? Oh, absolutely. Yeah. So and he's like, Okay, do you want Sam Adams or coronas? And we're, like, I say I say Sam Adams. Blackburn says Corona. So you're right. And then he comes back with two bud lights because they were out of the other stuff. Oh, wow.
Cutter 9:54
That is that is so relatable. Yeah, holy crap.
Owen 9:57
And so we're there. We're just talking to him, and it Turns out that all of them are either Mexican or Colombian and I think there might have been a Guatemalan or two. They were all on summer work visas to work this summer camp. Hmm, yeah. And they were all like around our age in University and
Cutter 10:16
And this is in Maine,
Owen 10:17
We are in Maine.
Cutter 10:18
That is, that seems that seems like a good distance to go. Yeah, for that, in particular
Owen 10:24
These bougie ass summer camps, they're well paying and make a lot of like my friend. My friend worked at one. And one of the kids that they were in charge of was Reese Witherspoon's like, kid.
Cutter 10:39
Oh, wow. That is a lot of that is a lot of money that they're pulling in. That is wealth. Yeah. Wow. terrifying.
Owen 10:46
Yeah. Um, so yeah, that happened. And so we're like, oh, that's really cool. And literally on the way there, Blackburn and I had had the conversation because Blackburn took like Spanish all through high school and like, really likes to talk in Spanish, and it pisses me off to all hell, because we will be not in the most sober of states. And then him and our other friends will start talking Spanish around me and I don't have any idea what's going on. Sure, sure. It's really annoying.
Cutter 11:10
That is also hilarious.
Owen 11:12
Yeah, but it really bothers me, but we're in the car. And we had a conversation. I was like, oh, have you been like, able to like, use your Spanish at all? He's like, oh, not really. And I'm like, oh, and then so we get there. And then we just have that look, we're like, dude, we talked about this. Yeah, we called this we're like listen, say, Wow,
Cutter 11:28
That is that is very much like flashback flash forward moment.
Owen 11:32
Yeah. And so like, we're talking to them and like, yeah, we find out they're all from like, Hispanic countries and stuff, Blackburn's trying to talk to them in Spanish. And it's really funny.
Cutter 11:43
That is funny.
Owen 11:43
Yeah. And so we're just like hanging out dancing. I don't know. It's like a it's like a party. But you know, it's on the beach chairs awkwardly dancing, going with the vibes. And eventually this like one girl, I don't remember her name. I am not great with names that night.
Cutter 12:01
Owen 12:04
Um, starts giving us tequila. And she did not have a steady hand while pouring it. So I don't know how much I had. But I think like, four beers in between, but I had four cups with tequila, but that could have been anywhere between four and like 10 shots. Sure. Yeah, no idea. Um, so we just they were just giving us tequila. It was the nice shit, I assume because they're Hispanic and they know how to pick it out. I guess I feel like that's a reasonable guess.
Cutter 12:30
Yeah, I feel like that's I feel like that's a fair assumption. Yeah.
Owen 12:33
Um, and like we're doing that we're getting down and then eventually one of them pulls out a bag of gummy worms. And we're like, what could this be for?
Cutter 12:44
Certainly these are regular gummy worms.
Owen 12:47
No, yeah, they're regular.
Cutter 12:48
Owen 12:49
Cutter 12:49
Oh, wow. I'd figured they were gonna be edibles my bad. No, I mean I may have made a gross over assumption there, my bad yeah, so
Owen 12:58
So it turns out gummy worms. Yeah. Blackburn signed out of this game because he had a girlfriend at the time.
Cutter 13:04
Ah, yeah.
Owen 13:06
Um, and so they pull up the gummy worms and one of them sticks it in their mouth. And then the other people start biting them out of their mouth. Yeah, we're doing that in a circle very COVID safe and everything
Cutter 13:18
Oh, sure. Sure.
Owen 13:20
Yeah. And oh, yeah, this is a this is an important detail there was a disproportionate amount of men that were gay.
Cutter 13:30
Owen 13:31
Okay wearing very tight shorts. Uh huh it there's a few telltale signs.
Cutter 13:35
Yeah no sure of course. Yeah.
Owen 13:37
Um, so like we're doing that we're playing the game and then eventually you know, the whole like crux of it is that as you go people will be taking bites out of gummy worms so eventually you're just like kissing other people as you're passing it around.
Cutter 13:48
Yeah, totally.
Owen 13:49
Yeah. Um, so like we're doing that we're playing this game like that. We're like, we're getting down we're talking eventually like the little Mexican girl that was telling Blackburn how to dance. I mean, that was giving us tequila started like they call this sort of like salsa dancing and Blackburn was like, wait, here's Colombian and then he, cause he like learned some dance that was I guess Colombian sometime in high in Spanish class and like he was dancing with them and stuff and it was fun. I was trying to learn how to salsa dance and everything nice yeah, and eventually we get to the point where there's this game and I don't know exactly what it's called
Cutter 14:29
Owen 14:29
But I think they were saying like mirror
Cutter 14:32
Owen 14:33
Yeah. So basically what would happen is two people would make out and then so and then like you know, the crowd would cheer and then say Mirror mirror and then um, so and then two other people would have to make out and kind of like match the the abstracts what they were doing and like make out longer and be like more kind of outrageous in their body language and stuff.
Cutter 14:54
Oh, gotcha. So it's like I don't know if you've played like add on or anything on like a trampoline before.
Owen 14:59
Cutter 14:59
Something like that, but with but with kissing peopole, yeah,
Owen 15:01
But with kissing people naturally, naturally. Yeah. So we're doing that I'm just gonna grab more IPAs as we go.
Cutter 15:09
Owen 15:10
And we're doing that. And eventually it's just like, me and this guy making out. And then so he gets like, really into it. And I'm like, Oh, I never really had an experience with a guy before.
Cutter 15:26
Owen 15:27
I'm interested.
Cutter 15:28
Owen 15:29
Oh, yeah. This is also important. At some point, we're doing like, just like reinforced kisses, or just like four people's heads would converge in the same spot. And it was just I don't know, that's just doesn't seem logistically very feasible. It was logistics. I mean, it was like cute but it wasn't logistically, like, intimate. Yeah, yeah. So me and this guy, we start kind of getting into it. I guess. Sure. People are cheering, sure. It's getting dark outside. And towards the end of the night there, they're like, kind of about to leave. And I'm like, and so like, we're making out he's getting really into it. And I'm like, I'm not against this.
Cutter 16:04
Owen 16:05
And so we're going and he, like, we start making out for a little bit. We like say a few words to each other. Um, they all speak pretty good English. Okay. Yeah. Um, and so he like, grabs my hand and like, leads me over, like, across a tree line or like, and I'm like, Huh, that's very interesting. Yeah. Yeah. Um, so we're doing that, and we just start making out more and he starts to try to lift up my shirt. And I'm like, nope, we didn't have like, we did not have time for this. I'm like, people are getting ready to go.
Cutter 16:38
You are he? Y'all are about to be on your way out.
Owen 16:41
Yeah, sure. And so like we're making out more and then he starts grabbing, grabbing my uh pee pee a little bit.
Cutter 16:48
Owen 16:49
Huh? a mic. And so like we keep making out and eventually he just he kneels down and he starts going at it. I'm like, Damn, this would be really like mind blowing quality wise, if I was not very intoxicated.
Cutter 17:04
Damn. Yeah, that is upsetting.
Owen 17:07
And I certainly was not, you know, going to complete and so I like, I don't know, we're gone for like, five minutes or so. And then I'm just kinda standing there kind of being awkward. But you know, having fun.
Cutter 17:19
Yeah, sure.
Owen 17:20
And I look over and they're all kind of leaving. And, and I'm like, bro, we gotta go. And so I like, you know, zip my pants up. We like, say our goodbyes, we walk out of the woods. And Blackburn's like, oh, there's Owen, not at all piecing together what- you see two people coming out of the woods together it's pretty obvious,
Cutter 17:44
Right? Sure.
Owen 17:45
At least kind of, um, and so. Yeah. And then they leave. And then at some point in the night, I gave him my phone number. Wow. Yeah. Um, and that'll I mean, I'll get to that in a second.
Cutter 17:59
Owen 18:00
But um, so yeah. And then me and Blackburn go to our campsite. And we're like, wow, we should set up all of this and cook dinner. She's and it was just, it was not great. No, that's miserable. Yeah. But we did it. And it worked out. And then we got we got back to the house. The next day. I get a text.
Cutter 18:18
Owen 18:19
And I'm like, hmm, who could this be from? And it's, it does not start with a plus one.
Cutter 18:25
Ah, yeah.
Owen 18:27
And so I'm like, Oh, he's like, hey, last night was really fun. And I was like, yeah, yup. I do not remember his name. And so I'm like, Ah, oh, no, don't know what to say? And I'm like, and I'm like, I'm leaving tomorrow. I, and like, he's leaving in like, a day or two to go back to Mexico. Yeah, I'm never going to see him again. Never again. Never. God, God hoping. And we just had exchanged a few awkward texts. And I just like, you know what, I don't want to continue this conversation. And I don't have to.
Cutter 18:58
So, so true.
Owen 18:59
Yeah. And that was the story of my first real gay time.
Cutter 19:05
Wow, that's and this is the one that happened recently or not?
Owen 19:09
Yeah. This was in, this was in August.
Cutter 19:10
Wow, that is wild.
Owen 19:13
Cutter 19:13
I, yeah, that is very much movie-esque, like a very movie-esque sequence of things to happen.
Owen 19:22
Cutter 19:23
And so you were in Maine for what another day and then drove back down to
Owen 19:26
we flew out but yeah
Cutter 19:28
Oh, okay. Sure. Sure.
Owen 19:30
Cutter 19:31
Owen 19:32
And flew back to Charleston and then I moved into my apartment the next day.
Cutter 19:37
So you moved into your apartment here in Raleigh, what two days removed
Owen 19:41
Two days removed.
Cutter 19:42
That's that's phenomenal. And you invited me to that housewarming party, which would have been
Owen 19:50
That would have been um, a week removed. Almost.
Cutter 19:55
So good to know. So that is actually very fascinating. Oh, My gosh. Well, dang I yeah, that is that is very compelling. That is phenomenal. Well Owen thank you for that story.
Owen 20:09
You'll never believe me, but I sent my ex girlfriend, parents, my friends phone number pretending to be my mom to get out of being in trouble.
Cutter 20:27
Wow. So can you break that? Can you break that down for me again? You wait, so you pretended to be your mom?
Owen 20:35
Cutter 20:36
Owen 20:36
My friend pretended to be my mom and sent them. I sent like, okay, so I got in trouble that the story is the trouble part. Sure. Yeah. Um, the story is that is the trouble part.
Cutter 20:50
And so your friend pretended to be your mom and you sent them your friend's number?
Owen 20:56
Cutter 20:56
Oh, word. Okay, okay, sure. I'm good now go ahead, please.
Owen 21:01
So as all good stories go, as I've said before
Cutter 21:04
Owen 21:05
one week at band camp.
Cutter 21:07
That is is a classic and very astonishing that that that no story so far on any episode of You'll never believe me but has started that way.
Owen 21:16
It is but many of my stories to you have started
Cutter 21:19
They definitely have. I'm very excited for another
Owen 21:22
Yeah, so it is the- actually I'm gonna check the, let me check the timestamp on one of these photos.
Cutter 21:28
Oh, wow. Okay, sure. Sure.
Owen 21:29
I'm gonna I'm going to check the timestamp. Okay, so, okay. Yeah. So it is the it is what I believe to be the Saturday before the first day of school junior year.
Cutter 21:42
Okay. Sure. Sure.
Owen 21:43
Yeah. And so like, me, my friends, like we'd always like sometimes, my friend August his parents would go out of town and so like our friend group, it was me. One of my best friends Ashlyn and then Ashlyn and August were dating
Cutter 21:58
Owen 21:58
And then it was us and then Finn, and then Marty and then Marty and Finn kind of had a thing going on it was weird. Um, and then so like, August his parents would go out of town a decent bit so we'd always just like sleep over there. You know, be dumb high schoolers like drink and then
Cutter 22:14
Sure, sure, naturally
Owen 22:15
You know, yeah, Moodle. Yep. All those all the all the good stuff teenagers are doing
Cutter 22:20
No yeah, that's a classic.
Owen 22:21
Yeah, it's a classic. So we would be doing that. And then, but my grandparents had a house, but they do not live there full time. And so I was like, Oh, this house is open this weekend. Like we should we should go there.
Cutter 22:34
And then you said your your grandparents?
Owen 22:37
Cutter 22:38
Owen 22:38
Yeah. Yeah. Um, so. And we're all Yeah, we picked a date. We're like, okay, we'll just like sleep over there. Like, we'll hang out. Have some good times.
Cutter 22:46
Owen 22:47
Yeah. And, and I'm dating this girl named Tina at the time, and I'm like, Oh, do you want to come? And she was like, Yeah, um, but she was not able to spend the night because I believe her parents tracked her or something.
Cutter 23:00
Oh, sure. Sure.
Owen 23:00
Yeah. But we had been over there that house before and so her parents like, kind of knew what it was, but not really sure,it's questionable.
Cutter 23:11
Yeah, they had an idea that it was related to you.
Owen 23:13
Yeah, sure. They knew it was related to me, but they didn't exactly know-
Cutter 23:17
Yeah, okay.
Owen 23:18
- understand the whole circumstance.
Cutter 23:19
Owen 23:19
Yeah. And so we go over there and like, we're just chillin we watched a little bit of Avengers Infinity War.
Cutter 23:26
Owen 23:27
Because it came out
Cutter 23:28
That that would be around that time.
Owen 23:30
It came out that previous April. I believe. So we're just like, Oh, um important detail. This is the second time around that I dated Tina.
Cutter 23:39
Oh, that that is a vital detail. Yeah. Yeah, wow. Okay, sure.
Owen 23:46
Um, so we're doing that and we're just like hanging out, we're drinking a little bit me and Finn are making our infamous which are mango mongo jongo.
Cutter 23:56
Owen 23:58
Where you mix Arizona Mucho mango tea and gin together
Cutter 24:03
Wow, that does not sound very good.
Owen 24:06
It's wonderful.
Cutter 24:07
Is it really
Owen 24:08
It's so good.
Cutter 24:09
Is it like is it like what you consider to be wonderful or would I like it.
Owen 24:13
I like it's really good.
Cutter 24:15
Okay. Okay.
Owen 24:17
I don't know I like gin, it's genetic.
Cutter 24:20
Is it GIN-etic? Perhaps?
Owen 24:21
That was poor
Cutter 24:22
It was I do not care please continue on now
Owen 24:24
My grandfather liked gin and then my other cousin on the other side. Like literally she was gin for Halloween. Like it. It just happens. I don't get it. But it's how it goes.
Cutter 24:34
That is a little on the nose.
Owen 24:36
Cutter 24:36
Owen 24:37
Yeah, so we're doing that we're hanging out. I i snagged a bottle of red wine because my family likes to they will just have a copious amount of Rex Goliath red wine free range red on on hand because it's like $6 a bottle or some bull shit.
Cutter 24:55
Owen 24:56
It's just shit wine. So cheap.
Cutter 24:58
Owen 24:59
But it gets the job done.
Cutter 25:01
That's what matters.
Owen 25:01
So, yeah, we have that, that was my first time drinking wine. awful, terrible red wine. The worst
Cutter 25:07
$6 red wine.
Owen 25:08
That special. Yeah, from that. Well, your local Harris teeter.
Cutter 25:11
Oh, yeah. I mean, yeah
Owen 25:12
yeah, of course. Um, yeah. I'm like, wow, this is bad. So we're all hanging out. And then we're getting to the point in the night, we're like, oh, I need to take Tina home because she's not allowed to spend the night. And so we're like, okay, like, you guys want to go to cook out as well?
Cutter 25:31
Owen 25:31
After we drop her off?
Cutter 25:32
I mean, why not?
Owen 25:33
Of course, it's the cookout.
Cutter 25:34
And when in Rome
Owen 25:35
When in, when in Rome, and it's approximately let's see. I'm going to try to. Okay, so this is probably like 11:30 at night. In the night. Oh, um, important detail on the last story is this. It all happened between like seven to 9pm. It was all light outside for most of it.
Cutter 25:55
That's insane. Yeah, it's really not what I had in mind.
Owen 25:58
That's the Yeah.
Cutter 25:59
Owen 25:59
Um, so yeah. So it's like, 11:30. We're going, we dropped, we dropped Tina off at home, went to cookout.
Cutter 26:05
Owen 26:05
We're doing that. And we just, and it is hilarious. Because I am driving Ashlyn's car. Marty is in the seat in the passenger seat with me.
Cutter 26:17
Owen 26:17
Cause I love her, she's great. And we're just chilling, and then Ashlyn and August were in the back. And it's it is a mess back there.
Cutter 26:28
Sure, I would imagine
Owen 26:29
Because August is like pretty much sober and Ashlyn was the sloppiest she has ever been
Cutter 26:36
Owen 26:36
Up to this point in her life.
Cutter 26:37
Owen 26:38
For some reason, the first the like, this, like this is a streak that happened for like two years. The only two times that Ashlyn has ever thrown up from drinking, is when I was with her.
Cutter 26:50
Owen 26:50
Cutter 26:51
So you are the bad luck.
Owen 26:52
And it was at that same house. And that streak lasted for like two years.
Cutter 26:58
Owen 26:59
And each of the times she threw up were like two, two like was like a year apart from each other.
Cutter 27:04
Oh, wow.
Owen 27:04
So it was just a completely isolated event.
Cutter 27:07
Owen 27:08
So funny.
Um, yeah. And so. And like, Ashlyn's getting frisky, she's making a fool of herself in the cookout parking lot, is trying to get all over it. And we're like, honey, stop please. You will get your barbecue sandwich in due time.
Cutter 27:26
Owen 27:26
Please contain yourself.
Cutter 27:28
Oh my gosh
Owen 27:29
in my infinite wisdom. I'm like, kids be safe. As a joke. I hand them a condom. Cuz I'm like I gotta, if you're going to if you're going to make a mess in your own backseat, right? contain it.
Cutter 27:43
No very, very responsible and comedic thing to do that. I'm sure it was going to spiral wildly out of control. Yeah.
Owen 27:50
Yeah. So we get back I give Fin the cookout. We're just we're eating the cookout.
Cutter 27:57
So Finn stayed at the house the whole time.
Owen 28:03
Finn stayed at the house alone.
Cutter 28:01
Amazing. Could have easily, could have easily stayed there with one other person
Owen 28:05
He wouldn't fit in the car. Yeah. Um. Yeah, but like, oh, because I was like, Marty, you're also sober. Please come with me.
Cutter 28:12
Owen 28:13
And she's also having a good time because she's like, she's been Ashlyn's best friend like forever. Yeah, and so we get back to the house with Tina's cookout? This is the wonderful picture
Cutter 28:26
So I'm being. this is the first time on You'll never believe me but where I've actually been shown a picture and it is of a a very happy looking curly haired man enjoying a enjoying a fry.
Owen 28:39
Is that not an onion ring?
Cutter 28:40
Is it an onion ring? I can't tell from here. An onion ring. He looks very happy.
Owen 28:45
He's not he's going through it. it's really funny. Yeah, this is the next photo I have
Cutter 28:53
Sure this this is a three people on what looks like a little. Yeah, sun bench. Perhaps even. 3am I'm really loving the visual. I'm really loving the visual aids for this story.
Owen 29:09
And I'm trying to piece together I'm trying to remember the exact order of events.
Cutter 29:14
Sure. No
Owen 29:15
But um I believe this this had to be after. So we finished the cookout. We're hanging out a little bit more. And then yeah, this has wait. Okay, no, so I think this picture was taken after the the paint the stuff that's annoying.
Cutter 29:35
Oh, okay. Sure, sure.
Owen 29:37
Yeah. And so we're eating the cookout and um Ashlyn and August disappeared upstairs. We're like, Hmm, hey huh, what could that be? And and so I go upstairs, and I hear some commotion. I'm like oh god. No, I think first I hear a shriek from Marty. I go upstairs. I'm like, Oh man, I walk up to one of the bedrooms and it's locked
Cutter 30:06
Oh not a good sign
Owen 30:07
And I hear I hear commotion and I and I and I opened the door and I looked down and and there is a there's a stain on the carpet.
Cutter 30:19
Oh, oh good.
Owen 30:22
Where Ashlyn has vomited.
Cutter 30:24
Oh no, that's much worse.
Owen 30:27
Yeah. And so I'm like, Where the fuck are y'all?
Cutter 30:31
Owen 30:32
And then so from the bathroom I hear like a grovel.
Cutter 30:36
Oh, good, sure
Owen 30:37
And I walk in and Ashlyn is in the tub. She has her head poking out behind the shower curtain naked. Um, just being like, Owen, I'm so sorry.
Cutter 30:51
Owen 30:52
and I'm like God dammit. And then
Cutter 30:55
naked in the tub.
Owen 30:56
Cutter 30:57
Having thrown up
Owen 30:58
Cutter 30:58
Owen 30:59
they're all in there, or Finn isn't, but but August and Marty are
Cutter 31:05
Owen 31:05
And they're just you know, supporting her.
Cutter 31:07
Owen 31:07
As as a boyfriend and a best friend.
Cutter 31:09
Sure. Absolutely.
Owen 31:10
Yeah. And so. And I'm like, how did you not make it out? of the like, the the door of the bedroom is five feet from the bathroom.
Cutter 31:20
Owen 31:21
I'm like, What happened?
Cutter 31:22
Owen 31:22
And they're like, well, you know how you gave us that condom?
Cutter 31:26
Uh oh
Owen 31:28
we're kind of getting down. But we have so we locked the doors.
Cutter 31:32
Sorry to clarify. There is. It's August. Okay. Thank you. Yeah. Okay. Yeah.
Owen 31:37
so they're like, you know, so, I'm like, God damn it. So they locked the door, they did their business or whatever. I don't have exact clarity, right?
Cutter 31:48
Sure. It doesn't really matter.
Owen 31:49
Yeah, it doesn't really matter. I don't want exact-
Cutter 31:52
Yeah, no.
Owen 31:53
But so they're lying there. And then she's like, Oh, I'm gonna throw up. But then the door is locked. But in her stage, she could not figure out how to unlock the door, and so after they lock themselves in, she had to throw up on the carpet.
Cutter 32:07
Oh, no.
Owen 32:08
And I'm like oh my fucking god.
Cutter 32:10
Oh, wow.
Owen 32:11
Cutter 32:12
that's upsetting.
Owen 32:13
It was horribly and so that happens and we're all just and then so that happens I go back downstairs I'm hanging out with them, then eventually August comes back down. They all come back down. We're chillin. We go to the dock because it's dock talk time. We're on a creek. Yeah, in the backyard. Throw him that one. The dock looking at the stars, you know, just sounds. Boy time.
Cutter 32:34
Sure. Sure.
Owen 32:35
Laying. Laying there looking at the stars. Having some deep Conversations.
Cutter 32:39
Owen 32:39
Yeah. And eventually I'm like, Okay, let's go to bed because it's, I don't know. It's got to be like 4:30 by now.
Cutter 32:44
Yeah. Very late.
Owen 32:45
Yeah. And so we go to um, so me and August go to one bedroom to cuddle.
Cutter 32:54
Owen 32:54
Yeah. And then, um, and then Ashlyn gets relegated to a twin bed. That was also an ongoing joke during that relationship is that I was dating him Really.
Cutter 33:07
Right, right? Yeah, sure.
Owen 33:08
Yeah. I mean, I didn't know I was not sure at the time, but hell? Hey, it's all predictable.
Cutter 33:17
Owen 33:17
Um, we just, you know, we cuddled um, no like, we only cuddled, but yeah, no, I just yeah, it was just funny.
Cutter 33:25
No that is, that is a good bit.
Owen 33:27
Yeah. And so and then, I think, I believe Finn and Marty shared a bed and I don't know exactly, but, so that happened. And then so we wake up. Um, they all left early, because, again, Marty, Ashlyn and August are all kind of assholes. But also just early risers. And it's gross.
Cutter 33:44
Oh, wow, that is just upsetting.
Owen 33:45
Yeah, so Finn and I my wake up at like nine and have to clean the whole fucking house and all this shit.
Cutter 33:49
Owen 33:50
Go our local dumpster throw the bag of vomit away.
Cutter 33:53
Owen 33:53
Yeah, we do that. And I know what happens. And so we're like, okay, we're in the clear. We're great.
Cutter 34:01
Owen 34:01
The only thing I think we got here we are a lines crossed and our I's dotted red are the phrases.
Cutter 34:10
Lines crossed and I's dotted is not the phrase, but is a much funnier way of saying it because I know things are about to go wrong.
Owen 34:16
Yeah, you got the sentiment?
Cutter 34:18
Owen 34:18
So. So fast forward than Monday.
Sure. This happened on
This happened on a Saturday night.
Makes sense.
Yeah. So we're a band rehearsal. Tina was in color guard, but she did not have a car at the time. Her mom was picking her up from ban rehearsal
Cutter 34:25
Makes sense.
Owen 34:32
Yeah. And so so we didn't know this at the time, but her mother was sitting in the parking lot with her windows open just kind of waiting for her to walk to the car to drive her home
Cutter 34:48
That doesn't seem particularly unreasonable.
Owen 34:50
No, so um now I'm walking with Finn back to back to his car, because he would drive me home after band.
Cutter 34:59
Sure, sure.
Owen 35:00
Cuz we were like this is like our this it was just like your It was like your routine like I mean I could drive but it was more fun that we could like, you know hang out together
Right? Absolutely
Listening to music and stuff for the brief like the 20 minutes we had
Cutter 35:10
Owen 35:11
um so we did that and then so we're walking back to the car and we're just talking about it we're like, oh my gosh, like God, fuck I can't believe like all this happen like threw up, drinking I'm like I'm sad like Tina missed it like and so like Tina's mom heard Her name was like, Hmm. and so-
Cutter 35:35
oh no
Owen 35:36
Yeah and and so Finn just kept talking about it rather loudly as he's a loud person
Cutter 35:43
sure sure
Owen 35:43
as most of my friends are frankly.
Cutter 35:45
Owen 35:46
Cutter 35:46
I'll agree
Owen 35:48
So we're doing that and we get a car and we're like okay everything's fine
Cutter 35:51
Owen 35:51
um and then I believe Tuesday rolls around and I get a text from Tina that's like, hey, um my mom heard you guys talking and then she searched my phone.
Cutter 36:08
Owen 36:09
Ya know as high school parents do
Cutter 36:10
Owen 36:11
Read through all the texts. Check all the spam, see all the messages?
Cutter 36:14
Yeah, no yup
Owen 36:17
So on and so forth which irks me because I'm sure she read some of my horribly embarrassing poetry I wrote.
Cutter 36:22
Oh, that is that is honestly the worst part.
Owen 36:25
Cutter 36:27
I think I think I'm okay to gloss over the fact that you wrote your high school girlfriend poetry for the fact that someone else read it.
Owen 36:35
Cutter 36:36
Yeah, that's upsetting.
Owen 36:37
It is horribly. Um, so that happened. Oh, yeah. And this has been referred to since like, for the last three years since this happened as the incident the incident like colloquially, wow, there's not been anything to upstage it, the incident. Yeah, the incident Sure. And so and then so she's like, we've been made. Yeah. Because apparently one of Tina's other friends was texting her I was like, oh, like, being like nosy me like, oh, what did you guys like done and so and so like, her mom knew that we like drinking and had sex and oh, yeah, done all this shit. Like,
Cutter 37:17
I'm sure that went over well
Owen 37:18
I lied about going places. And so you know, you know, all teenage girls are were forbade from seeing their boyfriend.
Cutter 37:22
No, naturally.
Owen 37:27
Naturally, in that circumstance.
Very Shakespearian
Yeah, um a quiet. Um, but Tina's mom was like, I won Owens, parents phone number to talk to them about what has transpired like
Cutter 37:48
That is responsible as a parent and horrifying as a child.
Owen 37:53
Yeah. And so I do what all good teenagers do, and I'm like, who is my most responsible friend? mk? Sure. She actually is she's really she's really on top of her shit.
Cutter 38:07
That's wonderful.
Owen 38:08
Yeah. God bless her soul.
Cutter 38:09
Owen 38:10
And so I give I give her MKS number and it was actually super fucking funny. Because MK really is like disappointed in me sometimes. And so I am sitting there on the phone. Oh, MK is on the phone with Tina's mom. And like Tina's mom is laying everything out for it. Okay.
Cutter 38:36
Oh, wow.
Owen 38:37
And so I have to be I have to pretend that I am like the embarrassed child. And like, having to act like my parents are hearing all this but also MK is reacting in disappointment in real time trying to figure out these events.
Cutter 38:52
Which I'd argue is more convincing.
Owen 38:54
Yeah. We can't like fumble this Yeah, no, and it was fucking funny.
Cutter 39:01
If you Yeah, you could have done that all genuinely. And I think it would have been believable.
Owen 39:05
Cutter 39:06
That's terrible.
Like I gotta know, my I gotta know what will work and what does
Hey, respect.
Owen 39:13
Cutter 39:13
Owen 39:14
So we do that. And then I am like, that kind of that goes over smoothly, surprisingly
Cutter 39:22
Owen 39:22
And we just kind of, you know, we sail past it. And like, I still see Tina, all the time because like, we're in marching band together and right and together, because as previously mentioned, I was a very cool person in high school.
Cutter 39:35
Yes, you did marching band and Latin classes. So
Owen 39:38
and I'm an Eagle Scout, right.
Cutter 39:40
All very cool hallmarks of cool people.
Owen 39:42
Yeah, hallmarks of cool people. Yeah. And so like, I still saw her all the time, but like, I wasn't able to see you outside of school. So things are kind of diminishing. And then she's like, we need to talk and I'm like, Okay, oh, this is not even relevant to the story anymore. It just irks me.
Cutter 39:58
Owen 39:59
This just pisses me off, um, basically like, because like, I mean, I don't know, I knew that things weren't going great either. Like, I wasn't oblivious to it. I was like, this sucks.
Cutter 40:10
Owen 40:11
Um, and so like, and she's like, we need to talk. I'm like, Okay. And we're like, things aren't going great. I'm like, Yeah,
Cutter 40:18
yes. Yeah, that's true.
Owen 40:19
I can't see you ever. And you like, I don't know, I guess you're not rebellious enough to tell your parents to just be like, I'm gonna do this, but like, hang out with me. Because I don't know, being a horny 16 year old. You're like, why wouldn't you just want to hang out with me?
Cutter 40:32
Right? Sure. Naturally.
Owen 40:33
Naturally. And so like, so we had this long conversation. And she's like, but basically, like, the consensus of it was like, I think we should break up but I'm not willing to
Cutter 40:49
Owen 40:50
it was, I don't know. It's still confused me that this came up last year again. Um not with me. But that's that's our shares the story for after the podcast, right? But yeah, um, and so basically, I had to break up with her. Even though she was the one that wanted to break up.
Cutter 41:07
That's horrible.
Owen 41:07
And it was just so weird and uncomfortable.
Cutter 41:10
That is very odd.
Owen 41:12
Cutter 41:13
So bizarre. Wow. Fascinating.
Owen 41:16
Yeah, that was the, end
Cutter 41:18
The end that and that is a hilarious sequence of events to have yourselves made by having a conversation just like, again, very movie esque. Yeah. to just be having a conversation
Owen 41:29
A loud conversation.
Cutter 41:31
And and the right person is in the right place at the right time. Doing the right thing over hear it.
Owen 41:36
I wouldnt say all wrong.
Cutter 41:38
Well, okay. Yes. And no depends on from whose perspective from watching this movie.
Owen 41:42
From my point of view the Jedi are evil. Do you have questions for me? Is that a part of this podcast?
Cutter 41:50
I will ask you some questions here in a moment. But that that story is is thrilling. Truly.
Owen 41:56
Cutter 41:58
Well, Owen, and those are two wonderful, well, harrowing. Wonder. I don't know. I loved those stories. But now I have to do my least favorite and also favorite part, which is try to piece together from what you've told me what may or may not be true. And I'm going to I guess like, I guess my question is like, how did Um, oh, god I already forgot her name? I feel so bad. At Nope. August is no. Ashlyn's best friend,
Owen 42:33
Cutter 42:33
How did Marty get in to the bedroom? To shriek? Was she already in there?
Owen 42:39
No, no, she, she found the like, she like saw them coming out and saw the puddle and like was helping Ashlyn get into the bath.
Cutter 42:51
Okay, okay, well, Hmm, yeah. Because that sequence that sequence was a little odd to me, but not, you know, whatever.
Owen 42:59
I was also me just actually messing up telling the story
Cutter 43:01
No, that's totally valid. And I just I keep thinking back to the story up in Maine. And so you said you'd been there once before with me. I
I had met her several times,
Oh several times.
Owen 43:14
Yeah. But that specific campsite I gone the previous year with ximian blackburn.
Cutter 43:19
Okay, gotcha, understood, and you had met the the van life people.
Owen 43:23
Cutter 43:25
So and what was it called again?
Owen 43:28
Donal pond,
Cutter 43:29
Owen 43:30
Public land reserve,
Cutter 43:31
Public land reserve. That's, wow, wonderful things do happen there. Truly. I think actually, I don't think I have a lot of questions. Those are two very complete stories. Um, and I am going to, I think I'm gonna give my reasoning. First, I think the the fact that you pulled up so many visual aids, and specific times for the second story was very compelling. But I think it was like, too compelling, if that makes sense. Like, I feel like, like you may have been trying to make up for, like, lack of detail in other areas of the story, just by being like, here's all of the information that you could ever ask for about that night. And you know, I could
Owen 44:16
I mean I could show you the text that I got from that guy like I just don't have any
Cutter 44:16
Oh, no, no I understand
Owen 44:19
I just don't have as many visuals
Cutter 44:22
No, right? It's not it's not a matter. It's just
Owen 44:26
I like to tell the complete story, Cutter
Cutter 44:27
No absolutely. know,
Owen 44:28
I think yeah, I think you're overthinking this particularly.
Cutter 44:30
Oh, and that's all I do on this show. Is overthink and get things wrong.
Owen 44:33
Cutter 44:34
No, no, which that I do enjoy. I did enjoy the visual aid aspect of it. But my thought process is that party did probably happen, but I don't think I either don't think you got made or you didn't get made in that way. Because from what I remember, and you have told me one other story involving this
Owen 44:54
Cutter 44:55
this no this house
Owen 44:56
Oh, this house yes
Cutter 44:57
in particular is I know that the the the controversial aspect of this house is that your your parents had family friends or friends or whatever that lived like in that neighborhood
Owen 45:09
next door
Cutter 45:09
next door and would see your car there and then tell your parents and so and again what a you know have you know make of it what you will in terms of you know I'm definitely just making wild assumptions but I feel like they would have noticed again I can't even prove that your car was actually there right which had may well not have been that time but I do find that interesting that that's what would have made you is that like again hilarious and very like movie esque loud conversation like walking back to the car in the parking lot after band practice. Although I do like a good band camp story and it does it is hard to vote against a bandcamp story like just like morally and as someone who loves stories but i think i just i man that first story is is just absurd enough to be true. I think is what I'm gonna stick with.
Owen 46:04
Cutter 46:04
and so I think I think you did get head by a by a work visa camp counselor in the middle of the forest in Maine that some part of the story of you having it made and having to give a you know your your high school girlfriend your friend's number, and act out this this reveal of events? Is is the lie so I'm gonna say the first story is true.
Owen 46:32
That is correct.
Cutter 46:33
Oh, amazing.
Owen 46:34
But it was actually before the the the friends moved in next door.
Cutter 46:39
Oh, really? Okay.
Owen 46:42
Before they were like, alerted to these. Sure. Sure. So I did get made completely in that way.
Cutter 46:48
Owen 46:49
But the way what I did is, is I 100% got in trouble. I would 100%
Cutter 46:58
Did the reasonable thing
Owen 46:59
I did the right thing.
Cutter 46:59
And took it.
So fair
Owen 47:02
I gave them my parents number. But then I said, what I what I did get out of most of it sure to get out of. I stole alcohol from you part.
Cutter 47:12
Right, right. No of course.
Owen 47:14
Oh, yeah. My my friend Matthew, whose parents are okay with him drinking because he was like two years older than I was, but we knew him from
Cutter 47:22
Right, right,
Owen 47:23
Because that is one of the perks of being a band is that I have so many faceless names.
Cutter 47:27
Sure. No, absolutely.
Owen 47:28
Cutter 47:28
You just throw people's names around.
Owen 47:29
Yeah. And I was like, Oh, yeah, he brought all this stuff. And he was there that night with us.
Cutter 47:35
Owen 47:36
And so that's how I got out of a lot of the major heat from that,
Cutter 47:40
Right. Sure. Sure. Which is the stealing alcohol part, which is the problematic part. Wow. And so you only ended up taking heat for like being over? Like partaking.
Owen 47:50
Cutter 47:50
And using the house. That is an amazing deflection.
Owen 47:54
Yeah. And then I got and then I had the talk with my parents. And then for some reason, right? In my Father's infinite wisdom, he bought the ribbed for her pleasure condom to have the talk with me.
Cutter 48:08
Wow. Amazing.
Owen 48:09
And that was also the same conversation where he's like, Oh, yeah, you and your sister accidents. Don't be a dumb ass. And I was like,
Cutter 48:17
Owen 48:17
Yeah no shit. Like, both of our like, My birthday is nine months after Valentine's Day to the day. And my sister's is one is two days removed from nine months after my mother's birthday.
Cutter 48:31
Wow, that is really on the nose.
Owen 48:34
Yeah. And I'm like, No shit. Kyle.
Cutter 48:36
Yeah. Clearly. Clearly,
Owen 48:37
Cutter 48:38
Clearly, this was not planned.
Owen 48:39
And also if I've learned anything, is that you guys were not prepared to be parents.
Cutter 48:45
Is that from personal experience?
Owen 48:46
Cutter 48:46
Owen 48:48
And so I was like, this is really funny. Um, and then, and that, actually. While, things were spiraling. This is just a funny addition.
Cutter 48:58
No, please. Yeah.
Owen 48:59
So because I got I did get grounded
Cutter 49:01
Sure, no naturally.
Owen 49:03
But because I was grounded. I actually avoided the first time that I would have met my next girlfriend. Because we were because her and August's and a few of our other friends were all sleeping over at their at our other friend's house. That would have actually been the first time at her but I missed that because I was grounded.
Cutter 49:25
Wow, amazing.
Owen 49:26
Cutter 49:27
what a serendipitous thing to happen
Owen 49:29
I don't know how it plays into anything, but I'm certainly happened
Cutter 49:31
That is funny though. It is very atopical. Well, we are going to take a quick break. Owen, and so you can listen to my stories. So don't go anywhere. Hey, real quick, while Owen is listening to my stories, if you like the podcast, be sure to hit the subscribe button wherever you're listening, whether that's on Spotify, Google podcasts, or wherever else you get your podcast so you'll never miss an episode. Also, just so that you all remember my two stories. Here's a quick recap. In my first story, I met a cute girl on a cruise who ended up being a flat earther and she later claimed that fate would bring us back together. In my second story, I wanted to get ice cream with a friend who brought along her 25 year old coworker, only for her to show me an alphabet game of names of people she had had sex with. And once my friend told her my name, she reached out to me multiple times try to add me to that list. Alright, with all that other way, let's jump back into the action. Well, Owen, and those were my two stories. What do you think?
Owen 50:28
They're pretty solid? Pretty, pretty airtight?
Cutter 50:31
Sure. Sure.
Owen 50:31
You've had a lot of time to think about them and present them?
Cutter 50:34
I certainly have.
Owen 50:35
Yeah, I think the I think the cruise one is incorrect.
Cutter 50:39
You think cruise one is the fake story.
Owen 50:40
Yeah, just because knowing you, I guess I wouldn't believe that there is a small detail somewhere in the list story that you would have. Maybe critique, right
Cutter 50:51
Sure, sure.
Owen 50:52
Maybe to just kind of throw it off. But I do think that something either more intimate. Or you felt bad enough to talk to the girl from the cruise a lot longer probably happened.
Cutter 51:04
Ah, that's so very fair, based on who I am as a person. No, of course. Yeah, I think that's a that's a fascinating way to guess that. Yeah. Uh, no, we we ended up Yeah, we really did not talk for very long because I was very disconcerted with everything. And also just who she was and what she believed. Yeah, no, absolutely, absolutely. But I mean, yeah, besides like, small details, any thoughts on the stories and their content?
Owen 51:37
The thing that bothers me about the list story, that story just bothered me. Really? Yeah. I just don't I just, I don't Okay, even though I'm putting all my eggs in the basket that the story is false
Cutter 51:50
Owen 51:50
I just the reason that makes the that makes the list story so believable to me, is that I just I don't find it believable. I don't find this story believable at all. Just that I don't feel like you would like, because you talk to that you had too many conversations with that girl when she talked to you.
Cutter 52:12
Owen 52:12
And also like, I just don't see you like getting through that interact any of those interactions. That tactfully or
Cutter 52:22
That's actually rude. Sure. Sure.
Owen 52:25
It just allmseemed like horribly weird interactions.
Cutter 52:29
Yeah, no, welcome welcome to that fucking outing.
Owen 52:32
No, I know but i just i just think on the scale believability those are not things that Cutter Bell could have made out made up about himself.
Cutter 52:42
Ah, gotcha. So you think you think they have to have been What happened?
Owen 52:46
Cutter 52:46
Because I would not have made up okay. No, I understand that I get where you're coming from. Because it would have been weird to make that up over like something else. Yeah, okay. Sure.
Owen 52:56
And I believe that you as a horny 17-16 year old whatever on a cruise ship Sure. What have looked for companionship and whatever you could find
Cutter 53:06
now Absolutely. I think that's very reasonable. That is a fascinating a fascinating guess. That That does make that you and Emily who came on last episode have guessed actually opposite. stories to be true. So make what you will have that it is fascinating. It's already some better parody, even Season One of You'll never believe me. But I loved with those stories. It was not a good, not a compelling arc for the guest guesses. Either way. I mean, unless you have anything, any other comments about them.
Owen 53:39
That is the rest of my eye. I yield my time
Cutter 53:42
you yield your time to the chair. Well, thank you. Owen, and so much for your guess. Well, Owen, and thank you so much for joining me. I think today, we learned that you will take the trouble that you're in Well, at least mostly. Thank you so much for coming on the show Do you have where can listeners find more of you?
Owen 54:03
And find my fantastic Twitter takes at Effie j silver on Twitter's
Cutter 54:08
Owen 54:08
Um, you can also listen to me if you want to. You can hear me play on the radio from six to seven every Tuesday on HD one WKNC 80.1
Cutter 54:19
that is nautical nonsense,
Owen 54:20
Nautical nonsense with Hermajesty.
Cutter 54:22
What an amazing amazing show name by the way.
Owen 54:25
Oh, thank you.
Cutter 54:26
I'm a big fan of it.
Owen 54:26
Yeah, it's actually I'm so excited to make my promo for it because there is a Avril Levigne cover of the SpongeBob theme song. And I'm just so excited to get the clip of her saying nautical nonsense.
Cutter 54:38
I think that's amazing. I'm very excited when you make that please send it to me.
Owen 54:42
I will
Cutter 54:43
I do. I will play it at the end of every ride along just because I think it's hilarious.
Owen 54:47
Yeah, you can also hear the original podcast that we've had going on called No Things Considered which is a podcast. It's a comedy. The other tags that the station has given have been society and culture.
Cutter 55:04
That's true I agree with that actually. You wouldn't consider that a show about culture
Owen 55:10
I wouldn't consider it anything
Cutter 55:11
well that's so true
Owen 55:13
You really teed me up for that one. That was poor
Cutter 55:15
You're so welcome
Owen 55:16
Um, so yeah, um yeah the original podcasts
Cutter 55:20
wow okay originals a strong word Yeah, let's maybe let's maybe select our words carefully.
Owen 55:25
I'm horribly intentional with that because Fun fact for the listeners at home is actually a spin off of that podcast because that's actually the name of our flagship segment but cutter was like oh my gosh, I'm having so much fun trying to guess all your own wacky cool funny and hot things that I'm going to do my own take on it and then also an after dark version?
Cutter 55:47
Yes. Which we all know what is true based on the times that everything came out and also the fact that I worked here and made my podcast before you did so you know considering all of that it is very obvious at least to me
Owen 56:02
I don't even work here to record that podcast
Cutter 56:05
so true
Owen 56:05
I do it for fun
Cutter 56:06
Yeah, that is so true. I do this for fun but I also do it for work. Yeah, no, again just to clarify, this is the original that is I will I will tolerate no slander nor lies never
Owen 56:20
Youll never believe me but is an add to spin off okay, I would even call it the jumping of the no things considered.
Cutter 56:29
I do like that phraseology. I am a fan of that. However, I will not tolerate such slander on my show
Owen 56:35
it's not slander
Cutter 56:35
Owen but grudgingly now
Owen 56:37
the facts nothing but the facts
Cutter 56:39
Thank you for joining me
Owen 56:39
No Things Considered is a very fun podcast where we just talked about whatever it was just a group of friends having having some fun together
Cutter 56:45
Group of friends being pals
Owen 56:46
Yeah, we've been considered we've been not considered because we don't consider
Cutter 56:50
We have not been considered
Owen 56:51
We have been criticized for by the realisation that being said that you know, you can just hang out with each other instead of recording a podcast
Cutter 56:59
Which is true
Owen 57:00
It's a true fact that we do that anyway but we're just like yeah podcast is fun
Cutter 57:03
Equally as fun every every episode I get to create a game show game really upset at this point I'm really
Owen 57:11
Ive won all of the games
Cutter 57:12
Really you've won every I think you've won every single
Owen 57:14
Cause Im a winner.
Cutter 57:15
No, you did not win the you're not written when the oldest bestie game
Owen 57:21
Oh yeah,
Cutter 57:21
Yeah, if you want to know what that is
Owen 57:23
There was a very little amount of points.
Cutter 57:24
But yeah, there was a limited amount of points. If you want to know what that is. No things Considered. You can check it out anywhere you get podcasts. Oh, and thank you so much for joining me.
Owen 57:31
Thank you for having me cutter.
Cutter 57:33
That will do it. For this episode. Our Intro Music is pop nugget of compositions to use under the Creative Commons license found on free music archiver outro music is vintage news. All Production Music used under the Creative Commons license also found on Free Music Archive. I've been cluttered. This has been You'll never believe me but after dark and thank you all for listening. Good night.
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