Jordanian Ubers and School Musicals

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In this episode of You’ll Never Believe Me But... the star of one of season one’s stories, Gabby, kicks off season two with stories abroad in Jordan and in high school theater, as well as making her guess on stories she isn’t a part of this time around.

Announcer 0:00
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Cutter 0:21
Good morning, good afternoon and good evening everyone. My name is Cutter though you may know me as three bears in a coat on air on HD one and welcome to this episode of You'll Never Believe Me But.

Cutter 0:53
You'll Never Believe Me But is a storytelling podcast being produced here at WKNC, about lying to me, every episode I have a guest on and they tell me two stories, one real and one fake, and I have to decide which is real between them. For those of you that are new here, or for those of you that need a quick refresher, I'm gonna run down the three rules we have here before we get into today's episode. Rule number one, your story should not do significant damage to anyone else or their character. We're not trying to be to outwardly mean to anyone other than ourselves. Rule number two, if someone else is featured in the story, you must either have their permission to say their name or use a fake name for them. You agreed to come on the show and tell these stories but unless they agreed to have these stories told, just use a fake name. And rule number three, and this is the easiest one, all stories should start with "You'll never believe me, but" and then a brief synopsis before starting the story just so we all know what we're getting into and as a nice little nod to the show's title. So with all that housekeeping stuff out of the way, let's go ahead and get into today's episode. Today's guest is a returning one actually, triumphantly, I must say from the very first true story on You'll Never Believe Me But, you will likely know her as Grace. But I think from this point, we can finally shed that. I've talked about you enough and now having you on, I can really truly committedly call you Gabby. Gabby, how you doing?

Gabby 2:15
I'm pretty good. A little tired.

Cutter 2:17
Sure. Sure.

Gabby 2:18
But, uh. The adrenaline is increasing. So yeah, I think I'll be awakened.

Cutter 2:28
Adrenaline, sure. Nervous, hopefully not. You have done this before. You've been on the show before.

Gabby 2:33
Yes, but not in this room.

Cutter 2:34
Sure, sure.

Gabby 2:35
We did it over zoom.

Cutter 2:36

Gabby 2:37
And yeah, I don't know if that made it worse or better. Zoom just generally makes me anxious.

Cutter 2:43
I think that's fair. Yeah.

Gabby 2:45
So I don't know what we'll find out. More nervous or less nervous?

Cutter 2:52
Sure. Sure. I should hope not. I mean, at least we can know that we're making eye contact with one another will help I suppose. I don't know. I don't think this room is too imposing. It recently got a lot nicer. This used to be open, these fluorescent lights used to beam down on you. So I think it's quite mellow now, I very much enjoy it in here.

Gabby 3:10
It's just like, the giant microphone in front of me.

Cutter 3:14
Yeah, that's fair.

Gabby 3:15
And the one also in front of me.

Cutter 3:16
Yeah, yeah, that one's off. So it's fine. That one can't do, they can't hurt you, I promise. Um, no. But I'm super excited to have you back. Especially because, you know, after all this, and we've gotten really close, you know, I just posted the, you know, about a, it would have been a week, two weeks after this episode is going to come out. Two weeks before rather, I posted the the interview I did with your mom when she came down for Parents Weekend, like last semester. And since then, I did go up to DC, we did visit you in DC, a bunch of us. And it was a lovely, lovely time. And again, thank you and thank you to Miss McCauley, for welcoming us into your home. Um, and did not bring microphones.

Gabby 3:59

Cutter 4:00
Yeah, that got brought up to me multiple times after I posted that interview.

Gabby 4:03
Yeah, I almost did. Well now what, you didn't bring any.

Cutter 4:10
No. No, I did not. That seems like a lot of work, honestly.

Gabby 4:13
Okay, fair.

Cutter 4:14
But, but no, it was, it was a lovely time, but I'm just happy to have you on because you were such a big part of season one. And I felt like it would be right to kick off season two with a returning face if you will. Without dipping back into the pool of people that have already told stories on the show.

Gabby 4:32
Yeah, I, it gives me a lot of pressure.

Cutter 4:35

Gabby 4:36
To be first, I very much, I don't appreciate it.

Cutter 4:39
Well, at least you're not first on the very first season. I will say, I appreciate Maddie, our general manager, for doing that. That one, I can only imagine would have been terrifying, and with a me who didn't know what was doing, awful. I can only imagine. But um, I've got some experience hopefully that it'll be a little easier on you than it was on her. And again, no pressure, it is just a fun silly show about telling stories and lying and all that lovely stuff, so.

Gabby 5:04
Yup. And I'm really bad at lying.

Cutter 5:06
That, I will say, that is a known fact. And I for one, am very grateful for that. I would be quite put out if I was wrong on the first episode again, I would love to nail this one. But you never know, really oftentimes feel like the stories are just kind of a coin flip. And I know you've been practicing a lot for this.

Gabby 5:29
Yeah, I have. I've told this, both stories many times, but everybody's gonna hear it anyway.

Cutter 5:36
You know what? I can't say I don't blame them.

Gabby 5:39

Cutter 5:39
But if it works, all totally worthwhile.

Gabby 5:42
Yeah, true.

Cutter 5:43
And even if not, you're just really good at telling these stories though.

Gabby 5:46
One fake story that I probably won't ever tell again.

Cutter 5:49
Oh yeah. You'd have no reason to.

Gabby 5:50

Cutter 5:51
But, in case you ever need it, ever came up?

Gabby 5:54

Cutter 5:55
Yeah. Well, no, I'm excited. I'm excited to hear them. I genuinely have no idea what they are. And despite how often we've talked about, and you've talked about it with, you know, people that we're mutually close with, I really have no expectations going into this.

Gabby 6:08
Nope. And I made sure not to tell anybody that knows both of us. And anybody who would potentially listen to the show.

Cutter 6:15
Wow. Okay. Sure. I mean, locking me out of viewers, but who's to say? I am uh, I'm kidding, of course. I'm very excited, though. Because I am a fan of your storytelling in the real world, in regular life.

Gabby 6:32
Oh, God.

Cutter 6:34
Don't be nervous. I'm trying to I'm trying to hype you up. I'm trying to get you excited.

Gabby 6:37
Yeah, and then my story is really bad. Thanks.

Cutter 6:40
You know what? It's all good either way. Unless, I mean, I've already explained to you how it works. Uh, this is the first episode of a new season, but the format is still the same. It is still your two stories, my guess, your guess on my two stories. In and out. Quick and easy. And a lovely, lovely time and laughs hopefully, and maybe a few right guesses we'll see. But unless you have any questions, comments, concerns for me?

Gabby 7:06

Cutter 7:07
I think I'll just let you get into it with your first story.

Gabby 7:11
You'll never believe me but, I was stranded in the middle of nowhere in Jordan for a hot minute.

Cutter 7:19
Define a hot minute, if you would.

Gabby 7:22
I don't necessarily really know how long it was.

Cutter 7:25
Sure. Sure. Okay.

Gabby 7:27
It was at least 10 to 20 minutes.

Cutter 7:30
That's a good while to be in a, in another country. I, you know, I won't take the story away from you. But you do, you have been taking Arabic since you were in middle school. Is that correct?

Gabby 7:43
Uh, yeah. Eighth grade.

Cutter 7:43
High school. Okay, so eighth grade. So this. So it's not like you're completely left out to dry here, depending on when this was, of course.

Gabby 7:50
So, I studied abroad in high school after my junior year. And so I like studied abroad through the State Department. And so they sent us to Jordan. There's like, I don't know, 10 ish of us. And we lived in like, host families. And each of us got paired with somebody else in the program. And we lived with them in the host family. So I was paired with this girl, Lily.

Cutter 8:17

Gabby 8:17
Um, and so I had been there. So it was like a six week program. And I'd say about like week four. This happened. So I like, had gotten my way around the city.

Cutter 8:29
Sure. Sure.

Gabby 8:30
I like sort of knew where everything was for the most part, like downtown pretty well.

Cutter 8:34

Gabby 8:35
And so there's this famous street. It's called Rainbow Street.

Cutter 8:39

Gabby 8:40
And we literally go probably once a week.

Cutter 8:44

Gabby 8:44
Probably more than that.

Cutter 8:45
Wow. Sure.

Gabby 8:47
And there's ice cream place called Gerards.

Cutter 8:50

Gabby 8:50
And we frequented that establishment a lot.

Cutter 8:53
Nice, nice

Gabby 8:54
Ice cream in the summer in Jordan..

Cutter 8:56
Sounds about right.

Gabby 8:57
Yeah. Um, so I was meeting my friend on Rainbow Street. And we were going to work on a project for school. Because we were in, we take classes right now.

Cutter 9:10

Gabby 9:11
And so the thing about our host family was, there wasn't a Wi Fi at the house.

Cutter 9:16
Oh, sure.

Gabby 9:17
So when we got to Jordan, we all got flip phones that had like a Jordanian number on it. So anytime we needed to, like, call anyone or like,

Cutter 9:27
Sure. Yeah. That seems a responsible thing to do

Gabby 9:29

Cutter 9:30

Gabby 9:30
Um, and so. But my house didn't have Wi Fi.

Cutter 9:35

Gabby 9:35
And so I bought a hotspot. When l first got, the first week I got a hotspot so I could use my phone. So I could like, send WhatsApp messages over Wi Fi in the house.

Cutter 9:45

Gabby 9:45
Or watch Netflix or do whatever.

Cutter 9:48

Gabby 9:49
Um, and so. But by week four, I ran out of data.

Cutter 9:54
Yeah, that sounds about right.

Gabby 9:55
And my roommate Lily, who I didn't really like.

Cutter 10:01

Gabby 10:02
Nobody really liked her.

Cutter 10:03

Gabby 10:03
Um, but Lily had a cellphone plan that allowed her to have data abroad. I don't know what it was.

Cutter 10:11

Gabby 10:13
But she had that ability. And I was like, Lily, can you order me an Uber? I was like, I want to go to Gerards. I took her phone. I put Gerards Rainbow Street, gave her back her phone. I said, I'm gonna go to the store at the corner of our little block. I'll text you when to order the Uber. And can you order the Uber to the store?

Cutter 10:41

Gabby 10:42
And text me the license plate.

Cutter 10:45

Gabby 10:46
I got to the store. I got what I needed. I think I had to exchange some bills or something or grab some from the ATM or I don't know.

Cutter 10:51

Gabby 10:52
Um, and so I texted and I was like, Can you order the Uber? Sends me the the license plate number.

Cutter 10:58

Gabby 10:59
Get in the right car.

Cutter 11:00

Gabby 11:00
We're driving.

Cutter 11:01
Easy peasy.

Gabby 11:02
I think I'm on my phone for a bit, you know.

Cutter 11:04

Gabby 11:04
A 10 minute, 15 minute ride.

Cutter 11:06

Gabby 11:07
By like, 15 minutes. I like look up and I'm like, I don't know where I am.

Cutter 11:12
Hmm. Classic.

Gabby 11:14
I don't. There are very minimal buildings.

Cutter 11:17
Ooh, fun.

Gabby 11:19
We were supposed to be going downtown. There should be a lot of buildings.

Cutter 11:23
Not the hallmark of a downtown space. Yeah.

Gabby 11:25

Cutter 11:26

Gabby 11:26
Um, and I don't. I don't know. I'm like, I'm just gonna let it go. Because like, like I, it was an Uber. So he had like, a little maps on his phone.

Cutter 11:38
Sure. Sure.

Gabby 11:38
That's clearly going somewhere.

Cutter 11:40

Gabby 11:42
And I was like, I don't want to converse with this man. In Arabic, because usually it doesn't go well.

Cutter 11:48

Gabby 11:49
We're just gonna see what happens.

Cutter 11:52
That's so brave. That's so brave to go. I don't know where we're going. But I don't want to, I don't want to interact with someone so I'm just gonna let it happen.

Gabby 12:01

Cutter 12:02
Wow. Okay.

Gabby 12:03
And about like five minutes later, he like, pulls into this. Like, I don't know, standalone building parking lot thing.

Gabby 12:11

Gabby 12:12
And he pulls up. And there's Gerards right in front of me.

Cutter 12:16

Gabby 12:17
Because apparently it's a chain.

Cutter 12:19
Oh, no.

Gabby 12:21
And so I get out. And I don't know where I am. I didn't know this Gerards existed.

Cutter 12:26

Gabby 12:26
I don't even know which part of the city I'm in. The North. The South. The East, or the. I don't know.

Cutter 12:31
Sure, yeah.

Gabby 12:32
All I know is I'm not downtown.

Cutter 12:33
No, definitely not.

Gabby 12:35
So I call my friend on my little foot phone. I call my friend. And I was like. Can you figure out where I am? I am at a Gerards. I'm furious with Lily. Because I don't know how you could **** this up?

Cutter 12:48
Sure, sure.

Gabby 12:49
Can you figure out where I am? I said, I am next to a Gerards. And next to the Gerards is some sort of Spa. I don't know. I think it was like a mem spa or something?

Cutter 13:00
Sure. Sure.

Gabby 13:01
I don't know.

Cutter 13:02
Lots of information.

Gabby 13:04
So I hang up. And then like, again, I don't really know how long,

Cutter 13:09

Gabby 13:10
20 minutes? I don't know. She texts me and she's like, Okay, here's the license plate for the Uber.

Cutter 13:15

Gabby 13:16
And I was like, thank God.

Cutter 13:17

Gabby 13:18
I really, I was like, I don't know. I guess I could walk out to the highway and try to hail a cab. I can try to figure out how to do that.

Cutter 13:27

Gabby 13:28
I don't know. I don't know what I'm supposed to do at this situation.

Cutter 13:31
Yeah, I don't know.

Gabby 13:32
Um, but luckily, she figured out where I was and the Uber came. I got in the Uber. I got to wherever she was.

Cutter 13:38

Gabby 13:38
The cafe we were going to or whatever.

Cutter 13:40
Oh, yeah.

Gabby 13:40
And it worked out. But I was like, I don't know. I don't think I talked to Lily that day. I don't even know if I told her that I went to the wrong place.

Cutter 13:54
Wow. Didn't even bring it up. You were like. Nope. Can't do it. Wow. Wow. Yeah, I don't know. I guess my, my question would be, would that like, was it definitely, you put in the right place and then she picked the wrong one?

Gabby 14:09
Yeah, I grabbed her phone, it's called Rainbow street, like a rainbow in the sky. I put rainbow street Gerards.

Cutter 14:18

Gabby 14:18
Which is spelled Gerard.

Cutter 14:20

Gabby 14:22
And I clicked it. And I gave her her phone back.

Cutter 14:24
And so all she should have had to do is press-

Gabby 14:26
Yeah. Press. Order Uber or whatever.

Cutter 14:29
Gotcha. Gotcha. So, so are you. Are you suggesting that there was foul play?

Gabby 14:34
No, she's, she's too dumb for that.

Cutter 14:36
Wow, you really do not like her.

Gabby 14:39
Oh, she was also like, too nice to do that. Like she wasn't mean and,

Cutter 14:46

Gabby 14:48
She was just annoying.

Cutter 14:50
You know, and you don't think that's something an annoying person would do to be annoying?

Gabby 14:53
No, like,

Cutter 14:55
Like, obnoxious? Oh, okay. I understand. Okay, so Nope. No foul play.

Gabby 15:02

Cutter 15:02
Just hit the wrong set of buttons.

Gabby 15:05

Cutter 15:06
In the right order to send you the opposite direction you needed to go.

Gabby 15:09

Cutter 15:10
How long was that Uber to the Gerards in downtown then, from the other Gerards?

Gabby 15:16
I have no idea. I'm pretty sure I blocked it out.

Cutter 15:19
Yeah, it's fair. I think that's reasonable.

Gabby 15:22
I guess, I don't know. I don't even think I looked where I was. I think I just didn't, I wanted to be done with it.

Cutter 15:29
You're like, hmm, nope. This didn't happen.

Gabby 15:30
When I got to Wi Fi. I don't think I looked at where I was.

Cutter 15:30

Gabby 15:30
Cause I was like, I don't want to look.

Cutter 15:34
This didn't happen. Basically.

Gabby 15:36
Yeah, mhm.

Cutter 15:36
Sure. I think that's, that's a fair response to being stranded somewhere and with a language that you don't speak particularly well.

Gabby 15:43

Cutter 15:44
In the middle of nowhere, as a result of someone else, probably.

Gabby 15:47

Cutter 15:49
\Wow, that is quite eventful.

Gabby 15:51

Cutter 15:53
That's week four,

Gabby 15:54

Cutter 15:55
You got stranded two more weeks.

Gabby 15:56

Cutter 15:57
I imagine those weeks were particularly tense for you and Lily then.

Gabby 16:01
Yeah, yeah. Cause then I bought more Wi Fi.

Gabby 16:05
Mhm. So you didn't have to do that together?

Gabby 16:08
And then like, a week later.

Cutter 16:12

Gabby 16:12
She used all of it.

Gabby 16:13
I would be livid.

Gabby 16:14
I, I was very patient.

Cutter 16:18
I, you would, sounds like you would have to be, yeah?

Gabby 16:20
Yeah. There was one time that I didn't want to hang out with her anymore. Because she obviously tagged along to anything and everything I did.

Cutter 16:30

Gabby 16:31
And so I asked my friend who could also tolerate her. I said can you please just take her?

Cutter 16:37
Oh, Gabby.

Gabby 16:37
Take her, because I can't,

Cutter 16:38

Gabby 16:39
I can't deal with her.

Cutter 16:40
Oh, my God.

Gabby 16:42
And he's like, I understand. He like, took her downtown for the day. I was like, thank you so much.

Cutter 16:47

Gabby 16:49
A blessing.

Cutter 16:51
Was this pre or post being sent away?

Gabby 16:55
Ah, it had to have been post, because it had to have been like that near the end or?

Cutter 16:59
Sure, sure. Okay, much more reasonable, I think.

Gabby 17:03

Cutter 17:04
When someone strands you it kinda.

Gabby 17:06

Cutter 17:07
Puts a strain on the relationship I'd imagine.

Gabby 17:09
Yeah, I didn't ask her to do another favor.

Cutter 17:10
Really? I can't imagine why.

Gabby 17:13

Cutter 17:13
It just seems like it was. It worked out so well the last time.

Gabby 17:17

Cutter 17:19
Why not? Well, wow, that is phenomenal. I mean, not for you, obviously. But to be, to be stranded on such a supposedly simple thing. Yeah. Brilliant. Ugh, I'm a fan. Uh, I mean, I have, I have so many questions, but I think, I think I'll wait to hear your other story before I start asking.

Gabby 17:40

Cutter 17:40
So that we actually can you know, hold them both in my, in my mind's eye at the same time, but unless you have anything else you want to add to this story, to this experience, then I'm down to just jump right into your second one.

Gabby 17:53
You'll never believe me but, my high school musical director decided to add more cultural appropriation to our show.

Cutter 18:01
I will say, add more is brave. Yeah, Include is brave, but to consciously- is this like a consciously added more?

Gabby 18:11
Oh, yes.

Cutter 18:12
Oh, oh, yes. So, so this is your high school? Your high school production of what, I must ask?

Gabby 18:20
The music man?

Cutter 18:22
I don't know what that is.

Gabby 18:23
Yeah, most people don't. It's a 1920s show.

Cutter 18:27
Oh, that's already a bad start.

Gabby 18:30
Well. It takes place in the 1920s I shouldn't say it's a 1920s show, but it's definitely not a new show.

Cutter 18:36
No, I would have to imagine not.

Gabby 18:38
My grandma loves the music man.

Cutter 18:39
Oh, yeah. Okay, so so we're going in the Wayback Machine for this one. Gotcha. Gotcha, like entered public domain and so he was like, Oh, we can put this one on for free, kind of deal?

Gabby 18:53
Oh, I have no idea.

Cutter 18:54
I don't know. I thought there was like some racket that,

Gabby 18:56
I don't know how we,

Cutter 18:57

Gabby 18:58
It was- our first show was in the heights.

Cutter 19:01

Gabby 19:01
I don't know why he decided that one. We called it in the whites. Because we didn't have very many Latino population.

Cutter 19:09
Oh no.

Gabby 19:12
I guess it's definitely foreshadowing.

Cutter 19:14
I'm sorry. But colloquially, in the whites, like just among, just among friends.

Gabby 19:18

Cutter 19:19
That wasn't like, they didn't title it-

Gabby 19:20
No, no.

Cutter 19:22
You led off with add more cultural appropriation. I need to know where we fall. How overt this is. So yeah, yeah. When is, I mean, I guess go ahead. With the story. Yeah.

Gabby 19:34
So my, so I stage managed for all the musicals in high school.

Cutter 19:39
Wow, really?

Gabby 19:40

Cutter 19:41
You are so not a theater kid.

Gabby 19:43

Cutter 19:44
For that to be true.

Gabby 19:45
I wasn't in the shows.

Cutter 19:46
Well, sure. But I'd argue that's worse, that you chose to, chose to not even perform in them but chose to run around backstage and yell at people and make sure they did what they were told.

Gabby 19:57
What can I say?

Cutter 19:58
I don't know what a stage manager does.

Gabby 19:59
I'm bossy.

Cutter 20:00
That is true.

Gabby 20:01

Cutter 20:02
That does really seem to fit your personality. Yeah.

Gabby 20:05
I loved it.

Cutter 20:06
I, that's all that matters, honestly. And I love that I now know that

Gabby 20:09
Yeah. Um, okay so well, my junior year we did the music man.

Cutter 20:17

Gabby 20:18

Cutter 20:19
When- I'm sorry, in the whites was your-

Gabby 20:22

Cutter 20:23
Freshman year. Gotcha. What was in between? What, how do you get from in the heights to music man? If, if you remember, if not-

Gabby 20:31
Frankly, do not.

Cutter 20:32
So not a very good show, is what you're saying.

Gabby 20:34
Oh, it was, it was a good show. It was Urinetown.

Cutter 20:39
I don't know what that is either.

Gabby 20:40

Cutter 20:40
I'm sorry. Can I- I need a clarifier here. Your space in space town or?

Gabby 20:47
No, one word. Urinetown.

Cutter 20:49
That's so topical.

Gabby 20:50
Because it's a, it's essentially the plot- this is not my story. But

Cutter 20:56
Ah, I don't care. I'm just curious about what a show called Urinetown would be about.

Gabby 21:01
A good show. In my opinion. It's a fun little,

Cutter 21:04
Fun little romp?

Gabby 21:05
Weird show. Because it's about a corporation that takes over all public restrooms. And, so you have to, all the townspeople have to pay-

Cutter 21:16

Gabby 21:17
-to pee.

Cutter 21:17
Sure. Hate that.

Gabby 21:19
Yep. There's a whole song about it.

Cutter 21:21
That's hilarious. That's awesome.

Gabby 21:23
And if they, if you're caught peeing, not in the bathroom

Cutter 21:28
Of course. Public urination is a big crime.

Gabby 21:30

Cutter 21:31

Gabby 21:31
You get sent to Urinetown. What is Urinetown? We don't know. We don't, there's also another song about it.

Cutter 21:38
What is Urinetown? We don't know.

Gabby 21:39
Yup. That is actually the song. What is Urinetown?

Cutter 21:41
No, I believe that. Yeah. So just to track the line here. In the, in the heights. Urinetown. The Music Man. What did, was the next one just actually Romeo and Juliet. Like,

Gabby 21:57

Cutter 21:57
I feel like we're going back in time.

Gabby 21:59
It was Legally Blonde.

Cutter 22:02
Yeah, no, that makes sense. That totally follows with the everything else going on. Uh, but enough talking about musicals that I don't really care about. Um. The Music Man.

Gabby 22:13
The Music Man. So I guess I'll give you a little short synopsis.

Cutter 22:17
Please. Sure.

Gabby 22:17
So there's a Music Man.

Cutter 22:19
That makes sense.

Gabby 22:20
And he's-

Cutter 22:21
Is he made of music?

Gabby 22:22
No, he's a con man.

Cutter 22:24
Oh, gotcha.

Gabby 22:25
And so he goes to towns selling things.

Cutter 22:29

Gabby 22:29
This time, he goes to this town and sells music. He teaches the kids how to play instruments and how to sing and perform in a band.

Cutter 22:40
He seems like a lovely fellow.

Gabby 22:42
He doesn't know how to play music.

Cutter 22:44
Yeah, that does, that does put a damper on that.

Gabby 22:47
So he is tricking the town into buying uniforms and instruments and all of these things. And then right when they all arrive, he skips town.

Cutter 22:57

Gabby 22:58
So he doesn't actually have to teach kids and,

Cutter 22:59
Right he's just he's just like,

Gabby 23:01
Gathers all the money.

Cutter 23:02
Yeah, of course. Yeah.

Gabby 23:03

Cutter 23:04
He's a wholesaler.

Cutter 23:06

Cutter 23:07

Gabby 23:07
But like, with trickery, and thievery.

Cutter 23:11
No a wholesaler.

Gabby 23:13
Okay. All right. Sure.

Cutter 23:14

Gabby 23:16
Um, and so okay. So the point of the story is that there's a point in the show,

Cutter 23:22

Gabby 23:22
Where the town is having like a town hall in the high school auditorium. And the middle schoolers of the town, are the Girl Scout troop, like that's the Girl Scout troop are coming to the auditorium and performing. And they're performing the cultural Native American dance.

Cutter 23:47
So this is a scene in The Music Man.

Gabby 23:49
Yes. Yes.

Cutter 23:50

Gabby 23:50
And it's a short scene, like, right before the national anthem. And then they get into the whole-

Cutter 23:56

Gabby 23:57
-like, actual town hall meeting.

Cutter 23:58

Gabby 24:00
It's supposed to be you know, like, 10, 15 seconds, you know, not long at all.

Cutter 24:04
Sure. And this was, and this was when it was written, whenever that was, about the 1920s.

Gabby 24:10

Cutter 24:10

Gabby 24:11
Sure, sure.

Cutter 24:13
Still weird.

Gabby 24:14
It's still weird, but like, I guess sort of acceptable. Not really. But like, I mean, most shows now if you're putting out, or most schools, if you're putting it on that you just be-

Cutter 24:22
Oh, most people know better at this point. Sure.

Gabby 24:25

Cutter 24:25
And this was, what, three years ago, four years ago?

Gabby 24:28
Yeah, I guess.

Cutter 24:30
Okay, gotcha.

Gabby 24:31

Cutter 24:31

Gabby 24:32
Um, so it was my junior year.

Cutter 24:33
Sure. Yeah.

Gabby 24:35
Um, so, okay. There's three stage managers, me and two other people. And we go to rehearsal that one day and it's, the stage managers are called to rehearsal. And we have my high school play was, my school was middle school and high school.

Cutter 24:51
Yeah, yeah, gotcha.

Gabby 24:52
And so our high school play obviously had middle schoolers in it

Cutter 24:56
Makes sense, no, for sure.

Gabby 24:57
Another questionable decision, but you know, whatever. Not too bad,

Cutter 25:01
Maybe for like in the heights, but

Gabby 25:04
Yeah, there's a lot of middle schoolers in that.

Cutter 25:06
It's odd.

Gabby 25:08
Um, and so it was us and the middle schoolers that were called to rehearsal that day.

Cutter 25:12

Gabby 25:13
And we were going over the scene. This was the scene that we were doing for the day.

Cutter 25:18

Gabby 25:19
And he starts off teaching them the dance.

Cutter 25:23

Gabby 25:24
Of course there's a dance to it all,

Cutter 25:26

Gabby 25:26
Just a lot of-

Cutter 25:27

Gabby 25:27
-stomping and hollering and whatnot. And then like, halfway through rehearsal, he's like, Alright, I have your costumes, go change into them. And of course, of course, he had already ordered the costume

Cutter 25:38
Course. Yeah.

Gabby 25:40
So they come out in like, full, like, you know, like, Native American costume that you find at the Halloween store. You know?

Cutter 25:48
Oh yuck.

Gabby 25:48
Feathers, and like the,

Cutter 25:50

Gabby 25:51
The brown-

Cutter 25:51
Yep. And the brown like,

Gabby 25:53
-animal skin skirt, you know.

Cutter 25:53
Yeah, yeah. Ugh.

Gabby 25:56
Ugh is right.

Cutter 25:58

Gabby 25:58
And so, the middle schoolers, they don't really know better? You know, like, they're like,

Cutter 26:02
No, yeah, I'm not gonna.

Gabby 26:02
We're gonna listen to our director.

Cutter 26:05

Gabby 26:06
And you know,

Cutter 26:06

Gabby 26:07
Um, whereas the stage managers and I are like, well, that's not,

Cutter 26:12
It's not cool.

Gabby 26:13

Cutter 26:14

Gabby 26:14
So, after rehearsal, we go up to, we'll call him Mr. Director man,

Cutter 26:20
Mr. Director man.

Gabby 26:21
Um, and we're like, Hey, Mr. Director man, that, that doesn't, this doesn't seem right. Like, I think you. I mean, like, I know, it's written in the thing. But like, you seem to be doing a lot more than what was written and-

Cutter 26:33
Right. You're going a little hard on this one.

Gabby 26:35

Cutter 26:35

Gabby 26:35
And he's like, well, I'm the director. Like, this is my choice. This is what I decide for our play.

Cutter 26:40

Gabby 26:41
And did that whole like, avoiding thing,

Cutter 26:45
Yup, yup

Gabby 26:46
This is what I think. I'm like okay. You know, we did our, our little part.

Cutter 26:46
Yep. You, you did what you are morally obligated to do.

Gabby 26:55
And this man. Very stubborn.

Cutter 26:58
Sure. Yeah.

Gabby 26:59
So many different things that we've come to him about and been like, no, and he's like, too late. I already did it.

Cutter 27:06
Oh, good.

Gabby 27:06
And it's like. No.

Cutter 27:07
That's a sign of someone who's willing to work with others.

Gabby 27:10
Everything's so much harder, cause.

Cutter 27:11
Ugh. Awesome.

Gabby 27:12

Cutter 27:13

Gabby 27:14
Classic, uh, Mr. Director man response was my way or the highway.

Cutter 27:18

Gabby 27:19
Um, and so the next day, or well, that night, I like, I'm texting my friends about it. And I'm like, you won't believe what Mr. Director man-

Cutter 27:28
You'll never believe me but-

Gabby 27:33
Like you will, this. He's crazy. Like, whatever, whatever. And they're like, What are you talking about? And so then the next rehearsal, everybody in that scene is called. Even the high schoolers. Cause it's a town hall meeting. So everybody-

Cutter 27:45

Gabby 27:46
-comes in sits and watches the town hall meeting.

Cutter 27:48
Of course. Yeah.

Gabby 27:49
So all the middle- or all the high schoolers are there in their little staging and their seats. And the Girl Scout Middle School troop performs their, their little song and dance.

Cutter 28:02
Oh, awesome.

Gabby 28:04
And everybody in the room is like, Oh, no, you know, this isn't. Right.

Cutter 28:12

Gabby 28:13
Um, and so then, it's, and that was by the end of the rehearsal, because obviously, we had to, like, figure out where everybody was sitting at the beginning of the rehearsal.

Cutter 28:21
Of course. Yeah, yeah

Gabby 28:21
Last thing we did was-

Cutter 28:23
Do it.

Gabby 28:24
Them dance.

Cutter 28:24

Gabby 28:25
And so after that, my friend Samantha-

Cutter 28:29

Gabby 28:30
-went up to Mr. Director man.

Cutter 28:31

Gabby 28:32
Was like, Um, no. You can't do this.

Cutter 28:38
Oh no.

Gabby 28:39
That's, this is.

Cutter 28:40

Gabby 28:41
Not appropriate.

Cutter 28:42

Gabby 28:42
And tried to like, have a dialogue about it.

Cutter 28:44

Gabby 28:45
Um, got a similar response.

Cutter 28:47
Yup. That all, that all adds up, yeah, yup.

Gabby 28:49
Me and the stage managers, you know.

Cutter 28:50
Yup. Yup.

Gabby 28:50
You know, I'm the director. This is my choice. We're gonna do it. And so then again, we're talking, me and my friends are talking about that. And my friend Katie decides to write an article about it. Because me and Katie are on school newspaper.

Cutter 29:07
Oh, good.

Gabby 29:08
And so she starts like, compiling a list of like, who she's going to interview. She's going to interview one of the stage managers. Samantha?

Cutter 29:17

Gabby 29:18
A teacher who we're pretty close with and who is familiar with the show?

Cutter 29:20
Sure. Sure.

Gabby 29:21
And our principal.

Cutter 29:23
Yep. That all adds up.

Gabby 29:24
And so the next day, we have like our newspaper right before rehearsal. Um, so she goes and was like, Hey, I'm faculty advisor. Can I write this article? She's like, Yeah, go ahead.

Cutter 29:39

Gabby 29:40
Rip him a new one.

Cutter 29:41

Gabby 29:41
That's not okay.

Cutter 29:42

Gabby 29:42
She's like, ah, fantastic.

Cutter 29:43

Gabby 29:44
And so she like, goes down and starts interviewing Samantha, who is waiting for rehearsal to start.

Cutter 29:50

Gabby 29:51
We're all, basically, we're all waiting for rehearsal to start.

Cutter 29:53

Gabby 29:53
And she's asking her questions or whatever. And Mr. Director man comes in and says we need to have a talk. I said, Oh, alright.

Cutter 30:02
Do we now?

Gabby 30:02
What are you gonna say? And he's like, I have received many complaints from parents and students.

Cutter 30:08
Oh, you got to parents?

Gabby 30:10

Cutter 30:10

Gabby 30:12
And he's like, this is a choice, this is how it is written. And I am choosing to keep this in. And I am not changing that. And you all have to accept that because I am the director.

Cutter 30:24
He doubled down?

Gabby 30:25
Yeah, he doubled down.

Cutter 30:27
Wow. That's horrible.

Gabby 30:29
Yeah. And it's like, maybe it'd be okay. If he actually like, stuck to what was actually written.

Cutter 30:37

Gabby 30:37
But he totally went above and beyond.

Cutter 30:39
Oh, nice.

Gabby 30:41
And so it was very much like a, Oh, no. And then, okay, so my friend Katie, then, a couple of days later talks to, like, emails our principal. And was like, Can we have a meeting to talk about this? I'm writing an article for the newspaper.

Cutter 30:57

Gabby 30:58
And the principal was like, yes, meet me tomorrow, whatever.

Cutter 31:00

Gabby 31:01
And so they talk and Katie is relaying this information to me. It's like, I walked in, and the principal was like, tell me what you, what you know.

Cutter 31:10

Gabby 31:12
And she's like, okay, yeah, here's what I know. Here's what happened.

Cutter 31:15
Yeah. Wow.

Gabby 31:16
He's like, I'm gonna have a talk to- talk with Mr. Director man.

Cutter 31:19

Gabby 31:20
And so the, like, the next day, rehearsal's canceled,

Cutter 31:25
Oh, my God, this turned into a whole, a whole, like, sting operation.

Gabby 31:30
Yeah. Um. And so, by that point, it was the weekend. And so, we were like, okay, rehearsal's canceled Friday. Cool.

Cutter 31:36
Makes sense. Yeah.

Gabby 31:37
Woohoo, let's go do something. And then we get back to, like, school on Monday, and then we have rehearsal that night. And he basically scrapped most of it.

Cutter 31:51
Most of?

Gabby 31:52
The, the scene.

Cutter 31:53
Sure. Yeah.

Gabby 31:54
And goes back to what is originally written,

Cutter 31:56
Like, just what is written?

Cutter 31:57

Cutter 31:58
Well, okay. Nice.

Gabby 31:59
Um, because we, that day, we had like the, the town hall meeting again.

Cutter 32:05

Gabby 32:05
We, that's what we were scheduled to do that day. Um, and so it was like, yay, small victory, I guess. But like, he's still having middle schoolers, in Native American costumes.

Gabby 32:05
I mean, yeah. I don't know. I figure, if you scale it down as much as he can.

Gabby 32:19
Yeah. Maybe like scrap it. But like,

Cutter 32:22
Oh, sure. Yeah. But that doesn't seem like that's what's gonna happen.

Gabby 32:25
Yeah. And so, he like, scaled it down and whatnot. And so, Katie, decides not to write the article.

Cutter 32:35

Gabby 32:35
Because it was like the beginning of the month, and we release articles every month.

Cutter 32:40

Gabby 32:40
And we had just released ours.

Cutter 32:42

Gabby 32:42
So it would have been like, the next month, and at that point, it was like, not-

Cutter 32:47
It would have been past.

Gabby 32:48
-a deal anymore. Yeah.

Cutter 32:49
Yeah, that's fair. That's fair.

Gabby 32:51
Uh, yeah. But he didn't get in any trouble or anything.

Cutter 32:55
Oh, no, that 100% tracks.

Gabby 32:55
I mean, he didn't perform it in front of the school. So that's good, at least, or well, he performed the short little bit.

Cutter 32:55
Sure. Yeah. Of course. Yeah.

Gabby 33:04
It was like 10, 15 seconds of the show. So it was like, okay.

Cutter 33:08
One of the things where you watch and go, Yeah, this is an old musical.

Gabby 33:10

Cutter 33:11
This is just a weird thing.

Gabby 33:12

Cutter 33:14
Wow. Yeah. I can't believe that the, I can't believe the power of news media really took care of that one.

Gabby 33:20

Cutter 33:20
That's quite impressive.

Gabby 33:22
I know. I mean, that's happened like, before, is we'll do like an article about it. And it'll like, become a thing. Like, we did a whole article about like. This is a little tangent.

Cutter 33:33
No, please. Yeah.

Gabby 33:35
The GSA had like a whole thing about, they were trying to do two events per month. Because it was like, I don't know, June, or, I don't remember what. There was like two events that we wanted to do one month.

Cutter 33:51

Gabby 33:52
Our principal shot us down, said Clubs can, clubs can only do one event a month. And we were like, that's actually false.

Cutter 33:58
That's weird.

Gabby 33:58
There are other clubs that do that. And so my friend Katie, who was also the editor for the newspaper,

Cutter 34:03

Gabby 34:04
Yeah, she was headlining all of the-

Cutter 34:05
Gotcha. Yeah.

Gabby 34:05
-all the fun articles. She wrote an article about that with the GSA or whatever.

Cutter 34:11

Gabby 34:12
So our principal had to come into the GSA and like, we had a dialogue and like, a talk about it.

Cutter 34:20

Gabby 34:21
But then it just ended up us talking about. Okay, for context. I don't know if you know this, but I'll tell the listeners.

Cutter 34:29
Sure. Sure.

Gabby 34:30
That my school I went to, I'm from DC. I went to a classical high school, or classical school for middle school and high school.

Cutter 34:38

Gabby 34:39
So that means we had, I had to take five years of Latin. We offered ancient Greek.

Cutter 34:44

Gabby 34:45
And we had Socratic seminars in most classes.

Cutter 34:47
Cool. Sure.

Gabby 34:48
Like, even science classes. I had a whole debate about whether it was ethical to drop the atomic bomb in chemistry. And we read a whole graphic novel about it.

Cutter 34:48
Yeah. Huh. Why not.

Gabby 34:48
So, through that context, uh, so we had a whole dialogue about it in the GSA and the principal. It ended up being like, we were talking about gay, like, media, from ancient Greek, Greece, which, I don't know if you know, is mostly just tutor and tutoree relationships.

Cutter 35:22
Yeah, that tracks.

Gabby 35:23
Which is not something we wanted to discuss in GSA.

Cutter 35:28
No, fair.

Gabby 35:29
But that's how, I don't know how it got there.

Cutter 35:32
But that's how it went.

Gabby 35:33
That's how it went. Because

Cutter 35:35
Seems like a productive conversation, yeah.

Gabby 35:38
I guess. We still didn't get to a meeting or two events.

Cutter 35:42
Wait, so all that happened? And he was like, yeah, no, you still aren't allowed to?

Gabby 35:46

Cutter 35:47
Wow. That's wild.

Gabby 35:48

Cutter 35:50
How? Wow.

Gabby 35:51
I don't know. I can't explain that situation.

Cutter 35:54
No, yeah.

Gabby 35:54
It didn't make much sense to me

Cutter 35:55
Does not seem to.

Gabby 35:56
And it, yeah.

Cutter 35:59
Wow. So you're,

Gabby 36:00

Cutter 36:00
To recenter us. Your High School Musical Director added on to a scene of cultural appropriation from, from a musical written in the, some time, about the 1920s.

Gabby 36:15

Cutter 36:16
And then only backed down. Because of the power of news media.

Gabby 36:21

Cutter 36:22
Wow. Shout out to news media.

Gabby 36:24

Cutter 36:25
That's crazy. That's wildly impressive. We did not have a school newspaper. And even if we did, I don't think it would have done anything that powerful.

Gabby 36:34
Yeah, fair.

Cutter 36:35

Gabby 36:35
We had a lot of politics, in our school newspaper.

Cutter 36:37
Really? That's so shocking that there were politics in your newspaper in DC.

Gabby 36:42
In DC. Mhm.

Cutter 36:42
Yeah. Yeah. No, Chapel Hill, North Carolina did not, uh.

Gabby 36:46
Yeah. No, there's a couple articles after the election.

Cutter 36:49

Gabby 36:50
Like, different editorial things.

Cutter 36:51
That all adds up, yeah. Ah, classic. I'm sure that was fun for everyone.

Gabby 36:56
Yeah, I wrote the advice article.

Cutter 36:58

Gabby 36:59

Cutter 36:59
That's so cool. That's awesome.

Gabby 37:01
Nobody ever sent me any advice. So I had to make it up.

Cutter 37:03
Aww, that's upsetting.

Gabby 37:05
I had to write letters to myself.

Cutter 37:07
That's really sad. Devoid of context, that's really sad. Well, goodness gracious. I, there's a lot that you've given me to sift through. But I'm excited to, I'm excited to start thinking through and try to figure out which story is real. Well, Gabby, those are two phenomenal, well, good. No, they're good stories. They're just, neither of them are particularly about good things.

Gabby 37:37
Yeah, no.

Cutter 37:38
One of them is particularly egregious.

Gabby 37:41

Cutter 37:41
I will say that, that The Music Man story, not inspiring. But entirely plausible. With, given the state of the school system in the United States as it currently stands. Uh, I do want to ask, so when you're telling the Jordan story, I was reminded of a story that you told the other week. Um, and it was you in Jordan, and I don't know if it was the same trip. But it was a big group of you in Jordan, where you corrected the two adults that were guiding you around the two teachers that were with you, um, and corrected them because you all had gotten lost. And you ended up knowing the right way back. And I was curious if this was the same trip or not.

Gabby 38:22
That was actually Morocco.

Cutter 38:25
That was was to Morocco. The one that I'm thinking of?

Gabby 38:27

Cutter 38:28
Oh, I could have sworn that that was to,

Gabby 38:31
Because that was my school. My school had spring break trips.

Cutter 38:36

Gabby 38:36
And it was like every other year, it would be a different language.

Cutter 38:39

Gabby 38:40
So we had our Arabic spring break trip.

Cutter 38:42
Sure. Sure. Okay, you probably did say that. I'm not doubting that you didn't, I just don't remember that. But yeah, cause there's like, the big walls around the inside of the city.

Gabby 38:51
Yeah, Jordan doesn't have any walled cities.

Cutter 38:53

Gabby 38:54

Cutter 38:54
I find that hard to believe just given its geographical standing.

Gabby 38:58
I mean, probably, but not Amman, not the Capital.

Cutter 39:00
Gotcha. Okay. So well, that really derails my whole train of thought on that one. Um, yeah, no, I was like, gonna, I was gonna really run down that uh,

Gabby 39:10
You were gonna trap me.

Cutter 39:11
Yeah, that was kind of the plan was I was gonna run down that, that line of thinking for a little bit until I walked you into something, but uh, don't, I don't think that's going to do anything for me. Yeah, goodness. I don't know. I just feel like, I feel like I don't, I'm not, I'm kind of running, kind of running with little, little to work with here.

Gabby 39:33
What does your gut say?

Cutter 39:34
My gut- gut check, Jordan story is fake. Gut check, Jordan story is fake. And I think this, I think dishearteningly that second story is true. You know, like, I don't want it to be true, but I think I could understand all of that happening.

Gabby 39:54

Cutter 39:55
Like that seems, that seems entirely like it could happen in the school system in the United States. Man, you know what? I, I, It's been like in the past, I've been 50/50. If I go with my gut, it doesn't matter. It's just a coin flip at the end of the day. And so I don't really want to, I don't really want to, I don't really want to gut check this. I think I'm gonna say,

Gabby 40:24

Cutter 40:26
Man, you see, I don't really,

Gabby 40:28
You don't have any questions for me?

Cutter 40:31
I don't know. I mean, I genuinely, I don't know, like the, the Jordan story, just all that, I listened to it and go, Yep, that all adds up. And I was really, I was really relying on the whole, you had like, told the different story about it to where I could like, try to bring the two timelines together and see if they fit. But it's just not same place at all. Even. Um. Yeah, I don't know. You know what? I will. Here's what I'll say. I think Uber is a very difficult thing to mess up. I think, I think am Uber, very easy. I think calling an Uber, very easy, difficult to mess up. I think as, as much as you seem to be down on your friend Lily, that at least I, at least some part of that didn't shake out that way.

Gabby 41:25

Cutter 41:25
So I think I will say, yeah, I'm not, I'm not loving this guess, I'm not loving the line of thinking I'm running down.

Gabby 41:36

Cutter 41:36
But I mean, I don't know. I'll. Yeah, I'll go with my gut on this one. I'm gonna say the Jordan story, at least some part of it is not true. And that in, in, it's. Yeah, see, that music man story has some really wildly unbelievable elements, like the newspaper doing something.

Gabby 41:54

Cutter 41:55
Um. But I, you know, DC schools, and I don't know, the whole fascination with ancient Greece, that kind of you seem to have? I don't know, feels like that could, feels like that could work. Yeah, I'll stick with that. I'll, I'll say that the Jordan story in some part is fake.

Gabby 42:13
Okay, final answer.

Cutter 42:14

Gabby 42:15
Um, the Jordan story is true.

Cutter 42:18
Wow, really?

Gabby 42:20

Cutter 42:20
That is impressive.

Gabby 42:21

Cutter 42:21
From like, a lot of perspectives. Well, what, uh, I guess my question then, is, what part of the music man story is not real?

Gabby 42:30
Um, so I can't recall if there's even a part in the Music Man, where there is a Native American thing.

Cutter 42:37

Gabby 42:37
I think it might just be my fabrication of that ever existing.

Cutter 42:42

Gabby 42:43
I haven't looked it up to confirm or deny that. But whatever.

Cutter 42:46
Sure. Sure.

Gabby 42:47
Um, but fun fact, for the Music Man, my director decided to have teachers in the show. Huh? As like, main roles.

Cutter 42:57
That is odd.

Gabby 42:59
Yeah. He actually put two people, two teachers in the uh, Urinetown as well.

Cutter 43:08
Sure. Why not?

Gabby 43:09
And so, my friend Katie wrote an article about that. And that's where-

Cutter 43:18
From your friend got a different different outrage over a different? Yep. Okay. Gotcha. Okay. Sure. Sure.

Gabby 43:25
And that article did make two of the teachers drop. two out of four of them.

Cutter 43:31
Drop out of the play. Yeah. Oh, brilliant. That's wonderful. Oh,

Gabby 43:35
I forgot. My director also put himself in the musical. Ah, I just remembered that.

Cutter 43:42
With everything that you said. Even in the fake story. That sounds about right. Yeah. Yeah, that tracks. So yeah, what I'm envisioning is that entire story, but you should replace the whole of the controversy with a different one. Yep. That's new and fun. That's awesome. Well, that's wonderful. That is so bizarre. Did you like not have enough people?

Gabby 44:04
No, we did. Like a lot of middle schoolers in this play, too.

Cutter 44:06
Like, there were kids like kids were kids were denied roles. No,

Gabby 44:11
it was more like they were put in smaller roles. As he was thankful he didn't like the person to the the mayor of the town was a teacher because he didn't like any of the kids for that role. And so we put the he put the other theater teacher as that role. That's funny. And let me just say, I had to help him memorize his lines.

Cutter 44:33
No, no, certainly you in junior year, Junior year did not have to help.

Gabby 44:41
Adults has acted before. He was in a episode of Grey's Anatomy and an episode of Supernatural, I think, and I had to help him memorize his line. Oh my god. Yeah, that's pitiful. Yeah. But he's just man. Oh, sure. That's awesome. He really felt awkward about being in the show. out though,

Cutter 45:00
I think that's reasonable. Does the newspaper make him drop or No, not

Gabby 45:04
him a couple of other ones? Sure, sure. But there's, there's a quartet in the show. And he, the director casted himself in the Quartet and three other teachers. That's so odd. And then there's a part where it's like, two quartets. And he put four of the boys as the second quartet course. Yeah. Because he just didn't think that they had the capability of doing it, which like, it's a high school play. Yeah,

Cutter 45:34
that's like, the capability of doing it. Yeah. Wow. That's, that's quite upsetting. Yeah, I don't like him. I that is evident from the fact that you made up a story about him doing some insane cultural appropriation. Yeah, that's fair. Yeah, that is evident. Wow, well, that's terrible. But you know what, this is a win. My guess on Jordan partially meant that it's a win either way, because either I'm right. Or the story isn't true. Yeah. So this is the last one you want. But we the people one, sure if you will. Okay. I'm just saying that because I lost and don't want to, you know, so that's all. Yeah. Well, that's brilliant. I well, well crafted, well constructed. How is my record against all of the people that you've told the stories to? Pretty bad? Yeah.

Gabby 46:33
Yeah. And I, I've gotten better because Sure. No. Story is the fake one. Sure. And so I learned from that.

Cutter 46:40
Oh, feedback. Okay. Sure. Yeah. So you got notes. It's been a it's been a development. Sure. Sure. No, of course, the living breathing fake story. Yeah. Amazing. Yeah. Well, I am. I'm sad to get the first one of the season wrong. But I am happy to. I don't know. You can only go up from here only up from here. You say that? That was season one. Season One was a real dark time. But yeah, well, I think unless you have anything else you want to say about the realness or fakeness of either of those stories. How do you get sent to the wrong ice cream place that bad? That's That's astonishing.

Gabby 47:24
i That's why I didn't talk to her all day.

Cutter 47:27
I know I don't blame me for that. I wouldn't be quite upset. Would you mess up? I'd be miffed even. Yeah. Yeah. Like that. That's a good word. It's got a good sound it's gonna get it feels good to say you know, it's very satisfying. Well, I think, unless you have any anything else you'd like to add to either these stories, we're going to take a quick break, so you can listen to my two stories and make your guess. Hey, real quick. Well, Gabby is listening to my stories. If you'd liked the podcast, be sure to hit the subscribe button wherever you're listening, whether that's on Spotify, Google podcasts, or wherever else you get your podcasts, so you'll never miss an episode. Also, just so you will remember my two stories. Here's a quick recap. And my first story, I was working at a gymnastic summer camp and had to take care of a child who peed himself getting peed on in the process. But this happened not once, but twice, two years apart. In my second story, I stepped into a friend's dorm for late night conversation that ended up making him faint. And while I took care of him, another friend in the room passed out, which let me take care of both of them for most of the night, only to find out that one of the other people in the room was a trained medical practitioner. With all that out of the way. Let's get back into the action. Well, Gabby, those were my two stories just right off the bat. What do you think?

Gabby 48:43
Okay, I've gone back and forth on it a lot.

Cutter 48:47
You don't have to say your final guests you have of course questions and I just want I just want your initial thoughts.

Gabby 48:51
I didn't even think about I could ask questions. Oh, yeah,

Cutter 48:54
no, plenty plenty of plenty of time to talk on camera. Sure.

Gabby 48:59
I'm okay. My thoughts are that the first story is pretty mundane. In my opinion,

Cutter 49:07
the first story being I don't remember the order I told genuinely.

Gabby 49:12
The kids paying Yeah, sure. Um, and then the second story seems pretty outrageous. Sure. At least the way you told them feels that way. Sure. And so it feels like the I'm not this isn't my guess at all of course, of course. But the first one feels like the true story that you sort of like said less like with less emotion to

Cutter 49:40
like play it down. Play it down. Okay, okay, sure. And then the second

Gabby 49:44
story it feels like it probably something along those lines happened. Gotcha like Jess or your friend I think her name is Jess. Yeah. Isn't narcoleptic sure something along those lines and like right like

Cutter 49:59
parts of that that happened and parts of that are fabricated. Maybe you did

Gabby 50:03
tell the story and you're kind of fainted. Yeah. Like,

Cutter 50:05
but then But then you get to a point where it becomes too much. Yeah, I think that's totally reasonable. Like, it

Gabby 50:11
feels like you went like four different, like peaks of the story. Yeah. Versus like, yeah,

Cutter 50:17
just to in the business casual to of getting pizza place.

Gabby 50:22
Um, but I will say the second one feels exactly. Like you told it exactly how I would imagine you did it. I don't know if that made any sense. But the other day, I was feeling like a little lightheaded. And you acted exactly like you acted in your second story.

Cutter 50:44
Huh, gotcha. So like very much went into like, yeah, like medicine? Yeah. Well, I will say like I do. I do have like, plenty of leg training for that sort of stuff from working at the gym from summer camp. And it's I think I think I said that at least when I was telling that story. But like, that is something that I like to think I've gotten very good at, right? I'm sure. Yeah, it makes me

Gabby 51:09
feel like, I don't know, either. I could go either ways. Sure. Either. That actually did happen. No, that that's how you act. And so you made a story about how you would act

Cutter 51:21
about that involves me acting in a way that I would if it were real. It's just like a realistic. No. Yeah, that seems like you've walked yourself right back to square one. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, and again, you're if you have any questions you've already resigned to not asking any but if any pop in throughout this. You're more than welcome to

Gabby 51:41
um, I will say when you said like, the whole part in the first story, that you were the only male person working there. Fair. Maybe that's true. It just feels like a weird detailed ad. Well, it's

Cutter 51:53
because the because they're not a girl's not gonna go into the boys bathroom and the boy.

Gabby 51:57
Yeah, like, you could have just not said that. And it would have been like, okay, yeah, cutters, the one who's picking up the kid.

Cutter 52:03
Why not? Yeah, it was more of a, it was more to show that there wasn't a choice that it was just me, I guess. Sure. I get that. That's not an important detail. I just like to include it. Yeah. But it is also true, like, men's male gymnastics coaches. Yeah. Don't really learn to come by as it turns out. Yeah. Especially like ones who are work like the I'm not saying Oh, sure. It was just a weird detail

Gabby 52:32
your detailed guide. Yeah. I don't know what that tells me. Sure about whether

Cutter 52:40
you have a lot of details that says something you just don't know what yeah, gotcha. That does not seem like that's particularly helpful for you. It's not Yeah. Well, my principle as as was the case not that it mattered as much in season one is that I will act like both of these are true. No matter what. Yes. I'm so prepare to have them defended. Right. At all costs, right.

Gabby 53:06
I would expect nothing less.

Cutter 53:07
I should hope not. You did. You did say um, before we sat down and started recording today. You did say that you took issue with my with my you'll never believe me. But statements.

Gabby 53:17
Yes. cutter. You click baited on both stories. And I will stand by that. Because I don't think you are really peed on. Not Not really. You may have pee on you. But I don't think you really were technically peed on.

Cutter 53:31
I guess. I guess I guess you would be fair in saying that. It wasn't actively someone peed on me. But I would like for you to have that happen to you and not say you got peed on?

Gabby 53:42
I think I would just say a kid peed while I was at work. Twice.

Cutter 53:48
Twice. Well, that's not that's not and I had to clean it up. But I didn't have to clean it up. I had to take care of the kid.

Gabby 53:54
Okay, then I had to take care of that. That's a great story.

Cutter 53:58
Sure. I'd argue that I got peed on twice is also a great story.

Gabby 54:03
Okay, fair. And I mean, you admitted that your second story was also clickbaity.

Cutter 54:07
Oh, no, I will fully admit that. Yeah. It's it's all a little. It's it's over simplified. To a great degree. I will agree. And a little bit, skipping the Yeah, the steps on the way there. You know, mostly because I don't know how you would talk to someone until they got a concussion? Yeah, but I'd like to imagine that. If anyone could do it. It would be me. Yeah, I believe that. Like, I feel like you give me like a day and a half. And I could you could talk to

Gabby 54:35
somebody like in a car and you're so in brawling. Yeah, then they crashed and got a concussion?

Cutter 54:41
Well, but that'd be that would effectively be the same, would it not? Because it's not my talking.

Gabby 54:46
That's what I'm saying. Oh, gotcha, gotcha, gotcha. Okay. Sure of you talking. Well, I guess you're right. The car would be the thing that

Cutter 54:52
right. It's, that's the same. Yeah, okay. Look, I struggle with the wording on that one for a while. Okay. It was not really like I didn't say Got a lot of good, you know, like comfortable way to say it. And so I figured this was the best way to get the point across as easily as possible. You know?

Gabby 55:08
Yeah. I can forgive you for that one, but

Cutter 55:12
I really just didn't get peed on. I think I think we're just defining getting peed on differently. Okay. I think if I get pee on me from someone who is actively peeing, regardless if it's directed at me, I got peed on. That is the face for those of you listening. Just because I appreciated that facial expression a lot. But that was a that was a

Gabby 55:36
fine, I'll accept it.

Cutter 55:39
I'm not expecting you to agree. I just would like to explain my reasoning in case anyone else has a shred takes issue with it. That I'm on the record of everybody else on the show brings it up. Great. I will just tell them to listen to this part of this episode. I need to save this every time.

Gabby 55:57
No, but I want you to say this every time.

Cutter 56:00
Yeah, that's yeah, I just won't do it. All right. Fair. No. Yeah, I think. I think I think your point about not being P I'm doing air quotes for those of you listening peed on? Is is is fair. I understand that. I get that one. But yeah, that's, um, you've now you've now at least gotten your green air your grievances. We've talked about the stories a little bit, I'm more than happy to talk about them to whatever degree more you'd like. Or you can just make your guess.

Gabby 56:34
I don't know. Okay. I tried listening to the old episodes. But it didn't really help because I knew which one?

Cutter 56:43
Yeah, it's really easy to tell which one is true. Yeah. When you know it,

Gabby 56:47
because I was trying to see if you like, get very emotive for the fake story or not. Yeah. Um, so I, I'm just gonna go with my gut. Okay. And say that the second story about the whole concussion? Yeah, what business is false?

Cutter 57:08
Gotcha. So you're gonna say that the concussion story was false. And that I did get my words not yours peed on twice. I know that. You wouldn't want to ascribe yourself to that? Because that would not be true. In your opinion. Exactly. Sure. Of course. Yeah. Yes. Yes. Yeah. Okay. Formal formal guests. I got peed on again. My words, not yours. Yes. All right. Well, I'm excited for you to find out in a few months. I will say that is the curse of going on the first episode is you have to send you have to submit your guest first. And you get to wait the longest to figure it out. Or yeah, or it's fair. Eric is fair. Well, we'll see. Yeah, so I can give you right now. But thank you for your wonderful, wonderful guests. Well, Gabby, thank you so much for joining me on the show. I think today, above all else, we learned that I have no confidence in the American education system to do the right thing. And your friend is very bad at working over. Yeah, just. I'm so sorry. I wouldn't mean to accuse. Thank you. But yeah, thank you so much for joining me. Where can listeners find more of you?

Gabby 58:23
Um, I guess my Instagram Sure. It's je s Mikkeli mi ch e li. I am also looking for a software job this summer. I am a computer science and Arabic double major. So find me on LinkedIn. Gabriella Micheli. Kelly's spelled the same as before.

Cutter 58:45
Really? Yeah. Tough to tell. Yeah. Yeah. Hey, you never know. If this gets you a job. Do I get a cut of your pay? No. Okay. Worth a shot. Well, Gary, it's again, always a pleasure to talk to you especially even on the show now, you've been on multiple times. And I'm excited in a few months when we get to reveal to you whether you You were right or wrong, and thank you for kicking off what should be a lovely action packed season to have you'll never leave me but

Gabby 59:17
yeah, now I have steak. I gotta listen to every episode. I know what other people say. Yeah. But I also do have to wait three months.

Cutter 59:23
Yep, it's a little bit everything. Yeah, yeah. Well, Gavin, thank you so much for joining me.

Gabby 59:29
Thank you for having me

Cutter 59:30
course. That will do it for this episode. Our intro music is pop nugget of compositions to used under the Creative Commons License found on Free Music Archive. Our outro music is vintage news. Our Production Music user in the Creative Commons License found on Free Music Archive I've been cutter. This has been you'll never believe me, but and thank you all for listening. Good day and good night.

Transcribed by

Jordanian Ubers and School Musicals
Broadcast by