After Dark Finale
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Good evening everyone my name is Cutter but you may know me as Three Bears In A Coat on air on HD one and welcome to the finale of You'll Never Believe Me, But: After Dark. You'll Never Believe Me, But is a storytelling podcast being produced here at WKNC about lying to me. Every episode I have a guest on and they tell me two stories one real and one fake, and I have to decide which is real between them. Those of you that are new here, or for those of you that need a quick refresher, I'm going to run down the three rules we have here before we get into today's episode. Rule number one, your story should not do significant damage to anyone else or their character. We're not trying to be outwardly mean to anyone other than ourselves. Rule number two, if someone else is featured in the story, you must either have their permission to say their name or use a fake name for them. You agreed to come on the show and tell these stories but unless they agreed to have these stories told just use a fake name. And rule number three, and this is the easiest one all stories should start with "You'll Never Believe Me, But" and then a brief synopsis before starting the story just so we all know what we're getting into and as a nice little nod to the show's title. So with all that housekeeping stuff out of the way, let's go ahead and get into today's episode. Hey, it's just me, no guest yet, in the studio. Just me I want to talk a little bit about the season, this mini season. The goals, recap, a reveal of which of my two stories is true and get some reactions from all the guests. But for right now it is just me in the studio. And I just want to go through and say first of all that I had some amazing, amazing guests this season. Truly even though it was just a mini season, even though it was a little bit outside of a lot of people's comfort zones very intentionally mind you. I had some phenomenal phenomenal guests I want to go through and just as a quick little reminder for each one of them. Um, I was really blessed to have all these people on here. Emily, my roommate, really good friend of mine, I really really really liked her New Year's Eve story. Not only because it ended up being true, and I got it right, but also because it is just one of those things that you do when you're younger and look back on and go. I am so upset that I did that. And I really really, really like that. Oh, and obviously one of the early candidates for absolutely most bonkers story. It's tough to not pick the Maine campsite story, where he gets head in the woods is one of my favorites from the season as a whole. Not to mention that it ended up being true, but I mean, just a wild time. Steven who came on after him who tried to copy my Alaska story which I am a little uh, a little uh confused about, I think is the best word because I feel like that was very brave is very bold to try to make such a claim. Had it been true. That would have been amazing. That was definitely my favorite from that one that he tried to retread on me that same Alaska cruise story but did not work for him and I was very, very much enjoyed hearing that. Elle's stories were absurd. I mean, just genuinely no, no, like no bit. No anything. They were fucking nuts and I do mean that in every way. The that story with the quarter and the balloon and all of that truly like blew my mind when when she told those stories and just in general, what an absolutely absurd set of events to have happened to you and to make happen intentionally delis to a degree. I'm one of no, not even not one of the wildest story. I will say that definitively, absolutely the wildest story. And I will say, just absolutely absurd, that that was true, like truly, just completely ridiculous on on every account. But no, I had some lovely guests, and they told some phenomenal, phenomenal stories. I really, really enjoy just sitting down and getting in touch with these people, especially in a more in a more adult theme and more adult setting. I guess I was curious, because I did think we would get some wild stories like the ones that we got to have on this show. And I was very, very grateful for that. And for the people who came down and decided to share these things with me because they really didn't have to. So to all my wonderful, wonderful guests in this little mini season of you'll never leave us thank you so much.
It is time though importantly for what I'd argue is kind of the main reason the finale episode exists It's great to hear from all the guests again. It's great to go through stats and talk about, you know, all this that and whatever it is the reveal it is time for me to unveil which of my two stories is true, it isn't the last chance that you have to change your guess. The last chance you have to make your guess so you can rub it in your friends faces when you're right or get it thrown immediately back at you if you are wrong. I don't have a clip this time. Due to the sensitive nature of this sort of thing. I didn't really feel like it was appropriate.
So I don't have a clip. I don't have a surprise guest in the studio with me to facilitate this reveal. It's just me and I am just going to say that I did go on a cruise to Alaska. I did. I did go on a cruise to Alaska. In the summer after my junior year. I did go on a cruise to Alaska in the summer of my junior year and met a girl and had a fling with her for the last few days on that cruise. And that girl was indeed a flat earther everything else after that. Also true. Yes, that's right. The first story the Alaskan cruise, fling story is true 100% of the way through. Obviously, vitally the Flat Earther piece of information is true and all the follow up is true. All of the talk of fate bringing us together or her talking about trying to come down to Raleigh. That is all true. The other story though, the ice cream story is not entirely untrue. I did go and get ice cream with my friend and her older co worker, I did get shown a list with a sexual alphabet game on it. C was empty. My name did come up. We I did get on my friend about it after we got back. But, uh, that girl never reached back out, which I was very thankful for. By the way. Um, I did try to include that little detail of like I normally end the story here. So if I had told that story to anyone, they would think that maybe I was just being courteous to them, but no, it most of that did actually happen. But the genuine real truth is that I did get to have a fling with a flat earther on a cruise in Alaska and truly one of the most cherished things I am able to say to this day, like, honestly, and that's what people said. I remember some guests that like, I think it was, Steven said that he was willing to forego the possibility to second story just for the first story to be true, which I think is very fair, I think is 100% reasonable and I honestly feel the same way. I'm very grateful to have that story be true. And to be able to say yes, I did get to have a fling with a flat earther on a cruise in Alaska. Now, I did keep the spreadsheet going for this season. Uh, it wasn't a big production. But I had already started making it and figured I would continue as a matter of fact. And you know what? I killed it this season. I got every single story, right. I did not miss. I knew Emily's. I knew Owens. I knew Stevens. I knew Elle's. I was 100% on this mini season, which hopefully bodes well going into season two of You'll Never Believe Me, But when that does kick off in a little bit because truly, I did not think it was going to end up going that well for me. Which honestly, I'm happy for I'm more than happy to be right more often than I'm wrong, believe me. But it was just surprising, especially considering my atrocious record in season one. No season or after it gets in the season season one and a half me after dark me is a different person. I don't know that the content had that much of an impact it very well may have the theme may have significantly altered how it was to make these guesses, but either way, I mean, it was truly just a whale of a time. And I don't know it just things started to click with me with how I could understand which story was true and false. I think the personal nature did help lend itself to that some but I mean, there were personal stories that I got wrong in season one. So I'm no longer terrible at my show, at least in this mini season. It very well may be true that when we go back to the classic after dark field that everyone's so familiar with, that I will go back to being terrible. It is so easily possible. Now on the other side of the statistics, right because that is only half the story among the four guests and of course this is a small sample size, but among the four guests this season, I had a perfect 5050 split from them on which of my stories was true. Emily and Steven both guessed that the Alaskan cruise story is true and Owen and Elle both guessed that that story was false and that the ice cream story was true. Which totally, totally mostly more true than a complete lie. But no, it really this season went just about as textbook as I could have hoped to be totally honest with you. I got to have a perfect record in guessing and had a 5050 split among my guests. Now it would have been very easy for all my guests to guess the same thing and then and the stories to still be convincingly desperate, but I think this is perfect. I mean, truly, I think I really landed where I wanted to on this and split the room. Even people outside of this, who are talking to me, our wonderful advisor Jamie. People who listen to the show outside of it will will text me and have texted me that they're still unsure and trying to decide which is true, which is really, really validating and honestly makes me feel like I did a really good job. Hey, if you got this one wrong, don't worry. I made this one a lot tougher. I think partially intentionally and partially just on accident. It really wasn't that much of a point to be difficult. It was more so just I think it's more fun when it's more difficult and I have some parody in here. No, no, nine and one nine guesses one way, one the other from season one. No, this season was a pretty good split. And the stats do reflect that.
Hey, real quick before we get to the reactions from all the guests, if you like the podcast, be sure to hit the subscribe button wherever you're listening, whether that's on Spotify, Google podcasts, or wherever else you get your podcasts so you'll never miss an episode. I do have Season Two of you'll never believe me. But coming up, I did enjoy this miniseries, I didn't enjoy a little bit of a divergence. But I am ready to get back into it with some amazing changes, some big guests and some great stories lined up. So if you want to be in tune for the announcement of season two, for when season two finally drops when the interrupts comes out and you guys can start speculating on which of my two stories are true make sure you subscribe, so you get those notifications. Alright, with all that out of the way, let's jump back into the action. Hey, just before I introduce the guests, and we start listening to their reactions, I just want to let you know we are agreeing to go in roughly in order of appearance so that means Emily will be up first, these conversations varied from five minutes to 10 minutes, little longer even, but it just was they sat down and I told them everything. It wasn't as structured as the season one more and they don't have quite as many so they want to play more of them. And so they don't have like a clip reveal the base everything around. It's just us talking. So it's a pretty relaxed, pretty intimate environment, which I feel like is a pretty good match for the show's style. So with all that out of the way, finally, let's hear the reactions from some of our guests. First, I will welcome Emily back into the studio. Emily, how are you doing today?
Emily 12:48
I'm doing very well. How are you?
Cutter 12:50
I am doing well. I'm happy to have you join me again. This time for the reveal for the finale of After Dark. How do you feel?
Emily 12:58
About my answer?
Cutter 12:59
Uh yes about your answer.
Emily 13:00
Or just in general?
Cutter 13:01
I mean in general but
Emily 13:02
Happy, optimistic
Cutter 13:04
Are you optimistic about your answer?
Emily 13:05
No about life
Cutter 13:06
Emily 13:07
Pessimistic about my answer. No, I mean, I when I kind of I listened to Owens and I kind of followed his we had the same logic where we both thought the other one was the most unbelievable so we chose the most unbelievable one.
Cutter 13:21
Sure, sure. No understood absolutely.
Emily 13:22
Doesn't lead to a lot of confidence but
Cutter 13:24
Ah I understand. No, I understand completely. So you are feeling good or you aren't feeling good?
Emily 13:30
Undecided yet.
Cutter 13:31
Undecided yet. Well, will it help if I tell you which one is true?
Emily 13:37
No. But yes, do that.
Cutter 13:39
Well too bad. The story that you guessed was true, just for those of you who this was a while ago, this was over about a month ago now we recorded your episode. It must have been we're four episodes later. Ah, you guessed that the first story the cruise ship story was true. Through some very precise reasoning, which I admired. Do you think do you think that you were right by that reasoning?
Emily 14:08
Um, okay, well your phrasing there makes me I just think I'm completely wrong. That smile on your face right now. It is Joker Style.
Cutter 14:16
I do have a shit eating grin right now. No, that is because you are right.
Emily 14:21
Oh my god.
Cutter 14:22
Yes you absolutely are.
Emily 14:23
I won!
Cutter 14:23
You did win you won the show.
Emily 14:24
What do I get?
Cutter 14:25
Uh nothing you win my love and affection.
Emily 14:27
Can I take over the podcast next season?
Cutter 14:29
No you cannot.
Emily 14:29
I'm sure guests call in if you want that.
Cutter 14:33
We don't have a phone number.
Emily 14:34
I know.
Cutter 14:35
No, no. You did get it right though. That was absolutely the true story was on the cruise ship. The second story mostly true. I did go get ice cream with a 25 year old who did show me your sexual alphabet game list. Just none of that addendum stuff at the end happened. None of that she never reached back out to me which I was very grateful for. Um, but no, it was it really was just like on that cruise I met a girl turned out to be a Flat Earther I mean, what can you do you know?
Emily 15:02
I'm so happy right now. I am ecstatic. I was not feeling confident. I'm gonna be honest.
Cutter 15:08
Oh, of course naturally.
Emily 15:09
But now I'm gonna say that I knew the whole time.
Cutter 15:10
Oh, no. I mean, what else would you do?
Emily 15:12
For sure.
Cutter 15:12
Yeah, no, of course. I've been talking to, I will hear his later. I've been talking to Owen, and and he feels the exact same way. He is not confident at all. It is does make more sense for him to be a little less confident because...
No, no, totally fair. This is what getting my story around this show is about above all else is bragging rights.
Emily 15:35
Cutter 15:36
So you now can laud that over Owen and Elle who both guessed incorrectly.
Unknown Speaker 15:40
And also you around the house? I'm just gonna be insufferable.
Cutter 15:44
No, I did get yours right as well, so it's kind of a give and take, you know.
Emily 15:47
But that was months ago.
Cutter 15:49
Oh, months.
Emily 15:50
That was years.
Cutter 15:51
I mean,
Emily 15:52
Remember that
Cutter 15:52
It was a part of a year ago.
Emily 15:54
I guess.
Cutter 15:54
That is true.
Emily 15:55
It was part of an eon ago.
Cutter 15:57
I mean, they I mean, we could, it wouldn't be very helpful, but we could. No, absolutely. You're more than welcome to be insufferable around the house about it. Especially because this had such an even split. I mean, this season was 5050 on guesses, you know, one way or the other. So very impressive.
Emily 16:13
Didn't you guess all of them right to?
Cutter 16:14
I did I absolutely did not to flex another. I was on something different this season. I don't think it's gonna continue when season two officially starts back up. But I was on something this season. Um, no. I mean, that's all I got
Emily 16:28
The thing is less people are gonna listen to this, then your actual season.
Cutter 16:31
Oh, yeah. So I can I mean, I do have to maintain my reputation as someone who sucks at my show, you know, I mean, it's really important. No, no, absolutely. Ah, Emily, unless you have any. I mean, if you have any other questions for me about my stories or anything like that, I mean, you were right. You were pretty compellingly right and for the right reason, I'd argue
Emily 16:50
What was my reasoning?
Cutter 16:50
You you were very specific that I couldn't have seen that it was a suggestive picture without having an opening it, opened it, which is not what I originally intended to say. But it was definitely me just going I'm just talking at this point. So totally fair. Yeah.
Emily 17:04
I, I, that was like the end of my reasoning. I like remembered my original reason for choosing the cruise story as true. So like I could tack it on but no, yeah.
Cutter 17:13
Of course.
Emily 17:14
The first part of that podcast where I was guessing yours is garbage. Oh, I can't understand what I'm saying.
Cutter 17:18
No, no. I mean, that's honestly that's how I feel every time I hit record late on that, like, every time I guess, is I'm just like, I'm just going to talk until I convince myself of something and that's it. I mean, it works pretty well. Last season not so well. Emily, thank you so much for coming back and joining me to be right after all,
Emily 17:37
Yay thank you.
Cutter 17:40
Now welcoming Owen my coworker notably ah, back into the studio. Owen how you doing?
Owen 17:47
I'm heated.
Cutter 17:48
You are heated.
Owen 17:49
Cutter preheated the oven.
Cutter 17:50
Well I did I pre angered you. Not even intentionally I just I was hoping that there was gonna be a funny little story about your about your phone saga, but it's just turned into anger and now we will spare you audience listeners the details. Owen will get heated again and I don't want that to happen but
Owen 18:08
I'm officially denouncing ups.
Cutter 18:09
Oh, wow. Officially? Can you at least clarify that you did not speak for WKNC or You'll Never Believe Me, But that your eyes are your own.
Owen 18:18
I Individual Owen denounce UPS. USPS the boys in blue would not have done that.
Cutter 18:27
Absolutely not. Now. All right. Well, with all that out of the way.
Owen 18:31
A lot of baggage.
Cutter 18:34
A lot of package. Yeah , no. How you feeling about your guess?
Owen 18:38
I feel pretty confident but I do feel like you you've learned a lot you've um, you've changed your machine your ml algorithm.
Cutter 18:49
Okay, sure.
Owen 18:50
She gets your robot.
Cutter 18:51
Oh, no, that is fair.
Owen 18:52
And you adapted that these these stories are significantly more meta and you've put a lot more thought into winning this game than you did last season.
Cutter 19:01
I certainly have. I've put a lot of thought in.
Owen 19:03
And so while I do feel confident, I guess I will not be surprised if you out gamed me.
Cutter 19:08
Oh sure, sure. Just just in like, just in like, I picked a story that I think you would think I wouldn't do to be my true story or?
Owen 19:18
Something like that.
Cutter 19:19
Sure. Well,
Owen 19:19
There's too many layers. Just use the word meta.
Cutter 19:21
It is meta. No, it absolutely it wasn't a meta decision. I will be honest, the decision truly came from I wanted to tell my true story about getting into a fling with a flat earther on a cruise ship, and happen to have most of a second story prepared. So actually, yes, my first story was true. I did get into a flaming Flat Earther on the cruise ship. Is it because I think it's awesome.
Owen 19:44
I'm just I mean, I'm sad. I'm wrong.
Cutter 19:46
Oh, that's so fair. I'm very sorry to hear that for for your sake. I don't know how to do these. I didn't have to do that at all in season ones. And I don't have know how to like manage moments like this. There's only one person who got it wrong in the entirety of season one and then I could make it a bit. But now it's like now that we're 5050 in this season, I don't really know how to how to handle that sort of, you know, interaction. I mean, no, I did get into a fling with a flat earther she did reach back out to me and said that she thought fate would bring us back together. I did have to wear my friend's mom's jeans until I could get my clothes from my baggage that got packed up. The second story is mostly true. To be fair, I did go all the way out to Angier for ice cream. When with a 25 year old girl who showed me a list of names of people she had sex with, none of the follow up is true.
Owen 20:40
Cutter 20:41
That was all made up. Yeah.
Owen 20:41
You we're not a target. Wow, you win you that was a it was a hard faced lie.
Cutter 20:46
Absolutely. It was.
Owen 20:47
That was a mostly false story. That's ridiculous.
Cutter 20:49
Yes, it absolutely was. Based, based, partially based in a true event, extrapolated to a false narrative.
Owen 20:56
That was heavily extrapolated.
Cutter 20:59
Yeah, no, absolutely.
Owen 21:00
It's just a weird thing that happened.
Cutter 21:01
Oh, absolutely.
Owen 21:02
And then you made it yeah a lot worse.
Cutter 21:04
Yeah. It was originally just a weird thing. And I decided to make it a bad thing. Yeah. But hey, that's that happens sometimes. Ice cream melts.
Owen 21:15
It's how the metaverse takes over our minds. So, so true. So is dark. Topical?
Cutter 21:23
Ah, no, I mean, unless you have any questions for me about either story, or just in general. The floor is yours.
Owen 21:32
Honestly, I don't like where did you I guess you were just confident enough to say that you were the subject of the list? I don't know. I'm just trying to well, I'm trying to figure out how you came up with putting yourself in that situation. I'm trying to figure out what part what made that better than other stories to tell?
Cutter 21:52
Well, I think two things for me, at least in my mind, is one is that it was based in something true that I had this, you know, like starting
Owen 22:01
At the hook?
Cutter 22:02
That was true. The hook was true.
Owen 22:04
I mean to be fair, true. My fake story was 99%. True.
Sure. But I mean, it still counts. No. I mean, my I think and the other part came from is I was coming up with stories for this and trying to think of a fake story. I thought back on season one and how successful people had been with like extrapolating real stories, not that, you know, me guessing on on season one is a great measure of success, because I'm not very good at my show. No. This season killed it. No one will know because this is not going to get as much publicity. I'm very intentionally, but no, I what I had also remembered is that I told the true version of that story to my parents. And not just my parents, but to my parents, family, friends of theirs. Because I thought it was a funny story. And somebody asked, like, somebody, I forget who was talking about it, but like, like storytelling came up and they're like, "do you have a crazy story to tell?" And I was like all right, I'll tell this one. And then I and I ended where it naturally ended. And then my dad asked like, "did she ever reach back out?' And I was like, no, no, no. He's like, "would you ever tell me if she did?" And I was like, no probably not. And that was honestly the instigating event for me to tell it this way.
Oh, yes. This is your father inspired?
Cutter 23:26
In no small part. Yes.
Owen 23:27
Wow. Yes. My father buddy love that man. I'm gonna say
Cutter 23:33
I'm willing to cross that line.
Owen 23:35
Okay. He wants him for me.
Cutter 23:36
Yeah, I'm sure he does.
Owen 23:38
He doesn't want to be famous. He wants infamy.
Cutter 23:39
He's certain no, I guess. Is my hair different color?
Owen 23:44
No. Ah, why do you ask? It looks quite Amber.
Cutter 23:47
Thank you. It's different lighting, I guess. I don't know. Whatever. No, so yeah, it was partially inspired by my dad. Just him asking that series of questions made me go. What if he did? And that's why in my, when I told that story in the first episode, I was like, and normally I say it stops here. Just that way. They you know, my dad and people could maybe play along. If they were willing to believe that which I don't know. I don't know if they were I don't know if they weren't. Um, yeah, it was that that that you left a red herring in there. I really did. I absolutely did.
Owen 24:24
Now I'm gonna have to listen more closely.
Cutter 24:28
Haha, that's yeah, that's the dream. This, this was really, in no small part a test run for me in seeing if I could come up with more compelling, compelling stories. I think I've done pretty well, to be totally honest. I mean, a 5050 split on the season is pretty good.
Owen 24:44
To be fair, though, I picked the second one because it was as the true story because I found it so uncompelling.
Cutter 24:50
Oh, you know, I'll take it. I think I think that works in my favor. I'm not gonna lie to you. Just just that it was so like, standard or?
Owen 25:00
I just don't think that it was anything. I just didn't think that it was anything you could have made up about yourself.
Cutter 25:05
Oh, sure. No, totally understandable. But hey, as it turns out.
Owen 25:10
I 100% believe that you accidentally got into a thing with a flat earther. That was that was never in question.
Cutter 25:17
Sure. Sure.
Owen 25:18
No, definitely played a clip. Listen back to my episode. Yeah. see clearly that I 100% believed everything about the Flat Earther story. I just thought you've probably went further with them.
Cutter 25:29
Ah, sure. Sure. No, yeah. I it was a it was a it was a turning point. In my my
Owen 25:35
It's a trigger phrase.
Cutter 25:36
Yeah. No. No, it was about the time that I
Owen 25:41
I would say pivotal. I could say pivotal.
Cutter 25:43
You're so right, it's a pivotal event, per se. Oh, when I was like, I don't have to tolerate other people. If I didn't want to. So there you go learning experience. There's a lovely moment and a true story that I get to tell. I'm so excited. I get to start telling that story more now because I love that story. And I'd forgotten about it. Yeah. But now I get to start telling my story to people again. Now the finale, you know, when the finale comes out.
Owen 26:09
i just found put that one of my friends is an antivaxxer so,
Cutter 26:13
I'm sorry.
Owen 26:13
We're in a similar ship.
Cutter 26:17
I think those are marginally different. I think it's much easier for a antivaxxer to make sense than a flat earther.
Owen 26:26
I thought you were gonna say it's much easier to be a flat earther because you have to do significantly less effort. You know, than like activities. Tell your doctor no.
Cutter 26:36
I mean, both can be true. I figure.
Owen 26:38
I suppose.
Cutter 26:38
I think it's easier to be I think it's easier to be a flat earther because you can just be like, I just disagree. I disagree with pictures.
Owen 26:48
I think
Cutter 26:49
It's so true. No so true.
Owen 26:50
Me thinks this.
Cutter 26:51
Me thinks and who's gonna stop you? Who are you gonna stop thinking like who's gonna who's gonna go that far and fight that hard with a flat earther?
Owen 26:59
The same people that drink Adrenochrome.
Cutter 27:02
I don't know what that is.
Owen 27:06
Not gonna explain.
Cutter 27:07
Okay, wonderful. Well, listeners do or don't look it up. I don't know how safe that is. This is after dark at the end of the day. Oh, unless you have any other questions for me. comments, thoughts? You do not have to.
Owen 27:23
Listen to know things considered podcast. I will let this one I will let this one pass. It is a good podcast.
Cutter 27:29
If you are prepared for a chaotic disaster.
Owen 27:32
Yeah, a fun, chaotic disaster. The winning team.
Cutter 27:37
It is a winning team. It is certainly a winning team.
Owen 27:39
I'd say we're winning.
Cutter 27:40
I mean, hey, I'm there. You're there. We're winning.
We're winners. At least at least some of us are.
Some of us are definitely winning.
Owen 27:46
Cutter 27:47
Some of us are, are not us.
Owen 27:51
Yeah and with that. Nightmare, nightmare nightmare.
Cutter 27:57
Thank you. Well, that's it for this mini season of you'll never believe me. But it was a fun divergence. I really did enjoy getting to listen and tell these type of stories and interact with people in this way. And it was absolutely amazing, fun and very, very different. But we are headed back to the normal classic style. Well, mostly that is there are a few changes that are going to come to You'll Never Believe Me, But, nothing major don't worry, I mean small stuff. But they are going to make for I think a much more enjoyable show, it'll still be the same may still be the same storytelling chicanery, and still be the same lying and probably almost certainly the same that me sucking at my own show but either way, season two is on the way. Do not worry. I do want to say thank you to all everyone. Honestly, just everyone, all the guests, obviously, those of you who have been listening to this little bit of an underground mini season and then of course the support that I've gotten at WKNC just across the board from all the staff here and everyone who listens. Thank you guys so much. It's been an absolute blast and there are some really, really exciting things coming in addition to Season Two of you'll never leave me but so keep your eyes peeled. Make sure you look at you might find something that it'll surprise you here in just a little bit. That'll do it for the finale of You'll Never Believe Me, But: After Dark. We learned on this whole ride that while I might not be very good at the traditional parts of my game once things venture into adult territory, I will get it right. And I will fool you not to be confident, of course. But no, I did have a pretty good season. And I really do have some of the best people friends of mine to come on and work on this silly little divergence from the classic You'll Never Believe Me, But that will do it for After Dark our intro music is popular of compositions used under the Creative Commons License found on Free Music Archive our outro music is Vintage News Production music used under the Creative Commons License found under free music archive I've been Cutter. This has been You'll Never Believe Me, But: After Dark and thank you all for listening. Good night.
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